Is Someone Tired?

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Words: 168

Warnings: None

Yourself and Joe were watching a movie in the lounge room. You were cuddled into his chest and his arm around your shoulder.

Halfway through the movie Joe got his laptop and started editing his vlog.

'' are you not watching...? '' He instantly turns his head to you.

"I am, I am down worry"

You just nod and continue watching.

About 1 hour and a half later Joe is fully stretched out on the sofa leaving me sitting on the very edge of the sofa.

You take your phone out and take a picture of him sleeping in that position and set it as your wallpaper.

Joe soon enough wakes up. ''Wha what's going on? "

" you feel asleep whilst editing your vlog" You smile "Do you want to go to bed then as you're tired"

Joe nods and both of you go to bed.

Joe's hands wrapped around your waist, your legs tangled together with each others.

"Goodnight Y/n, I love you"

"Goodnight Joe, I love you too"

Joe Sugg ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now