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Words: 771

Warnings: Couple or curse words

Joe was in LA for Vidcon. He wanted me to go with him, but I didn't have the money to pay for the ticket and all. Joe wanted to pay for my flight over but I didn't want him to and told him to go without me. He didn't really tell me how long Vidcon is for. I think its like 1 week? I don't know.

It was my birthday in 2 days. Joe's been gone for 3 days already. I was planning on spending my birthday watching Netflix and eating ice-cream. I never really did celebrate my birthday until I met Joe. He made me celebrate it all and I started liking it. 

~Day of Birthday~

Todays my birthday...Yay. I'm not celebrating it. I'm gonna gracefully get out of bed not complain that it's too early, get a long warm shower, change into comfy clothes, go to the living room, take out ice-cream I got yesterday from the freezer and go side town on the sofa and turn on Netflix for the rest of the day.

I was sat there on the 'L' shaped sofa when I see Joe has tweeted something with me mentioned in it.

I was sat there on the 'L' shaped sofa when I see Joe has tweeted something with me mentioned in it

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I smile after replying to Joe's tweet and put my phone away to the side.

Joe's P.O.V

I was about to get off the plane when I get a notification that y/n replied to my tweet. I open it and read ''Thank you babes 😘Love you. I wish you were but you're not. I hope you're having fun in LA'' Reading that I imagined her sitting on the sofa eating a bunch of candy. 

I have done all of my meet and greets early. I didn't really go anywhere to hang out with my mates. Only to like places to eat and all. I was now stepping off the plane with a small backpack I brought with myself on the plane with things I'd need. I go to get my luggage when I see my ex-girlfriend also looking for hers. She notice's me. Shit.

''Joe? Is that you? Oh my god I haven't seen you so long! How have you been?'' She says

''Yeah uh hi, I'm good yeah. It's been long yea.'' I was acting awkward because I didn't really want to talk to her. She cheated on me 4 years ago. Now she's acting like if nothing ever happened. 

''You've changed Joseph. You're more handsome now'' She comes closer almost pressing her body onto mine. 

''Uh yeah thanks?'' I reply taking a slight step backwards.

''You live in London, don't you? Could we go out for a coffee and catch up? And maybe...'' She steps closer to me and presser her lips to him. I instantly step backwards. 

''I have a girlfriend. I'm sorry Alexis (You can give her a different name if you want) but I'm not interested. My girlfriend at least doesn't cheat on me. If you hadn't maybe we'd be together until this day. But no. My feelings have faded now Alexis.'' I spot my luggage and grab it. ''Now bye, I have someone to get to'' I walk away getting into a free uber. While I was getting into the uber from the window I saw her standing there flirting with some other guy. She's just a slut. That's what she is.

The drive from the airport to mine and y/n's flat was 20 usually, without traffic. Today I was out of luck. 

After 30 minutes of standing in London traffic, the car started moving. Finallyy!

10 minutes later we got there. So basically an hour from the airport home.

I knock on the door gently. I only knock either loudly so she'd hear me or just walk in loudly. And every time someone comes over they knock gently. I kneel down so she doesn't seem me through the peephole and go up when she isn't looking. She starts opening the door and I shout 


''Oh my god Joee! You didn't have to come back just cause it's my birthday! Thank you so much!''

''Don't worry, I've done all of my meet and greets early. Just didn't do any exploring and hanging around but that's fine. I prefer being with you than being in LA. You're wayy prettier than LA, You're with coming back for.''

''Awhh Joe thank you so much''

''I love you so much'' She says her legs wrapped around my waist and her head in my neck.

''I love you too baby'' 

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