Argument pt.2

715 26 9

Words: 776

Warnings: Couple of curse words

Info: All he has time for is editing and going out with his mates to the club. Where am I included???

~another 30 minutes later~  

''Are you done??'' I asked him once again.

''Y/n im nearly done this video, just a couple of more minutes'' He replied.

''You said that many times Joe, all I want is to cuddle with my boyfriend. Is that a lot to ask for??'' I said quite annoyed as I sounded.

''Yes, yes it is y/n. I've recently had a load of meeting and everything! I have to edit my Sugg Sunday, I started vlogging this week too, a lot of meeting about business stuff.'' He argued.

''Well you do seem to have time to be going out with your mates to go drink at clubs'' I basically shouted. I was now leaning on the headboard of the bed just as Joe was.

He didn't know what to say now.

''That's the only thing you have time for', going out with your mates and drinking and editing all day long. I come home after working my ass off although I'd love to be at home sitting around being with you but I go to work to earn extra money for us. After a long day I hope for my boyfriend to be happy that im home and spend some time with me, instead, you're there editing and editing no even paying attention to me. Even ignoring me and not even listening to me from what it seemed like earlier!'' I shouted at Joe. That was the only time he looked away from his laptop.

''Well you're not the only one in the bloody fuckin' world y/n! I have a life too! You're not the fuckin' hub of the Universe y/n! You're not the only person I have to care about! I have a life too y/n! Hellooo? Did you even know? I have friends too. You're not the only one. Not all my attention has to go towards you!'' He shouted at me. ''I should've never asked you out if I knew that you were like this. I regret it'' I heard him whisper. He didn't want me to hear that, but I did hear it. And it hurt a lot.

I deep into his eyes, tears forming in my eyes slowly. I quickly get up and run out of the bedroom quickly into the hallway running towards the exit. 

I quickly put on my white converse and grab my khaki bomber jacket and throw it on and run out of the flat. I quickly find myself outside of the complex and look up to mine and Joe's flat. For a second or two, I look towards the entrance of the complex hoping Joe would come after me.

Doesn't look like he did.

I don't bother waiting any longer and just start walking. I don't know where I was walking but I just walked wherever I could. I just wanted to be as far away as I could from Joe right now. I had no other choice but call my best friend Amy, Caspar's girlfriend. She was the only person I could tell anything and would always be on my side and support me no matter what. I know Amy for over 4 years now. 

I don't hesitate but instantly take my phone out of my pocket and call Amy. It was 4 am in the morning so I'd understand if she never answered my call. But luckily she did.

''Y/n? Why are you calling me at....4:23 am in the mornin'?'' Amy asked me in her tired morning voice.

''Im so sorry babe It's just Joe and I kinda had a fight and I ran out of the house and I'm wearing shorts and a belly kind of top and it's really cold. I check the weather and its 2*C. I'm really cold so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I came over and stayed for a little bit please?'' I asked.

''Oh my gosh Y/n im so sorry!! Yes yes, come over. I don't mind at all although Caspar is a little moody because when you called I woke up then I woke him up so he's a little bit moody so don't mind him when you come over'' She said.

''Okay, thank you so much Amy! Thank you thank you thank you!! I'll be over soon because I have to walk all the way to yours and Caspars flat, I'll be in about 20 minutes. Thank you!!'' I squeaked and started walking to Amy's and Caspar's flat.

''It's nothing babes, come soon! It's really cold from what im seeing outside!!!'' 



((There will be a part 3))

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