Video with Joe

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Words: 946

Warnings: None

Joe wanted to record a Sugg Sunday video before you go to Cape Town with him on Tuesday. ''Hey y/n are you ready yet??'' I quickly run downstairs to Joe's and mine room and nod breathing heavily.

''Y/n I mean, it's not that much of a run down the stairs. I'd understand if you were breathing after running up the stairs but not down'' Joe laughed ''That's too much exercise for a mamal like me, I should call myself a whale or something, wait. What animal sleeps alot and is really lazy??''

''Well I don't know y/n, google it''

''Yea yea I know, I'm asking uncle google'' I smirk

''OH so now Google is your uncle?''


''Okay then''

After standing up staring at my phone I come to the conclusion ''Oh'' I say. ''What?''

''How can I be so stupid!'' I shout at myself in a silly way. ''Did you figure it out?''

''Ye, a sloth. I'm so stupid''

''Aww babes you're not stupid just yet, but you just didn't think of it''

''Should I take that as a compliment or an offend?''

'''Compliment'' Joe smirks. ''Okay let's just get this video done and over with'' I nod.

We both sit down on Joe's and I's bed and Joe sets up the camera before sitting down properly.

''Hello everyone and today I'm joined by the most beautiful, gorgeous, cute, amazing, fabulous, talented, genius, smart Y/n!!'' Joe shouts looking directly at the camera.

''isn't genius and smart the same thing?'' I ask trying not to laugh. ''Hush'' Joe says still looking at the camera. ''So I asked you guys on Twitter to send in questions to answer, so I've got Caspar'' Joe rolls his eyes ''Behind the camera''

''HEY I SAW THAT!!'' Caspar shouts pretending to be upset ''Awhh Joeeeee now Caspars saddd'' I say getting up and giving Caspar a hug, but little did I know Caspar was faking. Whilst Caspar had his head on my shoulder he smirked at Joe and he became speechless.

''Okay then u 2, com'here y/n'' I then go back to sit beside Joe.

''So today we-'' i pause Joe

''You already said what we're doing'' I say laugh-crying slightly. ''Oh? I did?'' I nod.

''Well then, Caspar is going to be reading out the questions and ye, let's just do this. Oh and by the way we don't know what any of the questions are, we're giving Caspar the control of choosing them. Knowing Caspar he'll choose some weird and sexual ones knowing him'' Joe says.

''Okay, so first question 'At what ages did you guys lose your virginities?''

Joe: ''I was 19''

Y/n: ''I was 17''

''Next question, where and when did you two meet??''

Joe: ''I'll answer that'' Joe smirks and I just nod. ''So myself and y/n were both in a club hanging without mates, like separately we didn't know each other andd we weren't too drunk only a bit, then i came up to y/n and we started talking we danced all that. We got really close in the 5 hours we spent in the club together messing around.We even got a photo! Caspar took the photo! I'll pop it on the screen now''

We even got a photo! Caspar took the photo! I'll pop it on the screen now''

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Y/n : ''Oh my god memories. We were acting so stupid. Plus my clothes are horrible, like what am i wearing'' I laugh.

After doing like 20 questions Joe does the outro and we instantly lay back on the bed. ''The video brought back so many memories, like when and where we met. I can't believe we've been dating for over 3 years now. And your 26 and I'm here with the number 23. Is Caspar older than me? I don't know''

Joe laughs at my silliness. ''CASPAR WHAT AGE ARE YE? OH, YOU'RE 23 TOO? WHAT MONTH ARE YE? APRIL? OH OKAY!'' I had a small chat with Caspar from mine and Joe's room. Joe just keeps laughing at me and I directly look at him with fierce eyes. ''Caspar is still older than me! I thought he was like 10'' Joe bursts into laughter and so do I because he laughed at what I said and I laughed at him because he's laughing I'm laughing. I don't know I'm very weird.

''Okay now baby, you're starting to get a bit giddy, bedtime'' Joe says ''Joe, you're not my dad!'' I laugh. ''Y/n u didn't even drink anything today and you're acting like if you had too many shots,'' Joe says once again. ''Sooo, bedtime baby''

''But are you coming to?'' I say making a sad face? ''Yeah yeah I am'' he says getting up from the bed ''Yay!! Can we cuddle??'' I ask getting hyped.

''Y/n calm the hell down'' He laughs ''Yes yes we can cuddle only if you're going to go to sleep, deal?'' He asks

''Deal!'' I shot up from the bed and got clothes to change into after I got a shower.

I go to have a shower when I come out and see Joe in his boxers only ready to go have a shower. ''The bathroom is free!'' I shout although Joe is right in front of me ''I'm right here y/n'' he laughs.


Joe comes out of the bathroom dressed and I'm laid on my back on the bed and as I see him walk out of the bathroom I open my arms and he comes and lays down beside me. ''Y/n i know you're 100% sober, but why do you act like if you're drunk when you're not? did you eat too much candy today? Or is it just you?''

''It's just me Joe. You're dating a psycho'' I smile cutely cuddling into his chest.

''Goodnight baby girl''

''Goodnight handsome''

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