He's faking it

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Words: 438

Warnings: None

I came back from Birmingham. I was there because that's where my parents live and I didn't see them in a long time. Joe couldn't come because he had his last meet and greets in London during the time I went. 

It was Monday morning and I didn't exactly tell Joe when I'd be back. It was exactly 8 am in the morning. I wasn't that tired. It was a 1hr and 30 mins drive from Birmingham to London.

I slowly entered our flat. (Mine and Joe's) I gently close the door though Joe might've been still asleep, which he probably was. I take off my shoes and my coat and put them away. I put my luggage to the side and quietly walk over to mine and Joe's bedroom.

I then see Joe peacefully asleep shirtless laid on his side. His hand starts to move around on the side that I'd always sleep and I just giggle thinking he was trying to pull me closer to him. I think I laughed a bit too loud because Joe rubbed his eyes and looked up at me standing in the doorway just laughing.

''Oh hello there love'' He says yawning looking up at me properly.

''Morning babes'' I say coming over to try to give him a kiss when he pulls me into bed with him.

''Ahh Joe I need to get a shower and put away all my stuff.''

'' You don't have to. You want to. Now shush and cuddle'' He smiles kissing my neck.

''Joeeeee'' I moan trying to get out of his grip. ''Not today'' He nods.

''Im going to go have a shower, okay?'' He nods. ''Are you mad at me?'' I ask

''Not at all'' he smiles getting up and putting on a pair of Calvin Kelin boxers. ''Oh so now im finding out you sleep naked?''

''No, I don't. I had to deal with myself last night. That's why'' He smirks.

''You're disgusting Joe.''

''But you love it?'' He asks

''Sometimes'' I smile going into the bathroom to have a shower.

~After shower and getting changed~

I go into the living room, sit down on the sofa to scroll down through my social media. I firstly go to snapchat and see Joe had posted a photo. It was a photo of him looking kinda pissed but not really. I can tell he's faking. Personally, I do not know where he took that photo in the house but I mean his secrets I guess. (Pic above btw)

(Sorry this Imagine is kinda shitty but I mean always better than nothing)

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