Brighton pt. 1

641 21 1

(omgg life is so saddd)

Words: 1023

Warnings: Curse language

Info: A small trip to good ol' Brighton with Joe 

Y/n's P.O.V

Today Joe and I are going to Brighton to stay a little bit with Joe's sister Zoe. We both didn't see her in a while and she asked us if we wanted to come for the weekend and we didn't have any meetings or anything so we agreed and said that we'd come on Saturday around midday. Well, we said we'd try to be as soon as possible.

We were not in Joe's car ready to go when I remind myself, I forgot my make-up bag.

''Oh no! Joe wait I need to go back in! I forgot something! Pass me the flat keys please'' I ask and he nods and passes me the keys.

''Quickly though y/n babe'' He mentions.

''I will be'' I start jogging towards the complex and go inside and into the elevator. 

Right about when the door was about to close a very tall buff man got in with me. He stood beside me. I have never seen him here before. I actually never have and Joe and I have lived here for about 2 years now. I think I seen everyone who lives here. I might just be over thinking the whole situation. Maybe he's just visiting someone. Okay, stop now y/n. But he does look scary. He's much taller and more muscular than Joe. Too much muscle in my opinion.

''Hey'' He smirked somehow standing closer beside me than before.

''Helloo'' I say scaredly/shyly looking down at my shoes.

And it basically ended like that because i started texting Joe that I was in the elevator and I kind of made it obvious that I was texting my boyfriend because I started giggling and bitting my lip looking at my phone.

Soon enough the elevator got to my floor and I left the elevator and started walking towards the door of the flat. I open the door and quickly close the door not locking it with the key and ran to the bathroom in Joe's and I's bedroom to get the makeup bag that I left. I quickly grab and start jogging towards the front door to leave the flat. I open the door and exit the flat then lock the door and check more than once if the flat is 100% closed.

I leave the complex and jog towards Joe's car.

''Finally'' He sighs playfully then smiles at me. Joe starts the car and I get a slight fright and jump a little because I wasn't excepting Joe to turn on the car and make such a loud noise.

Joe laughed at me and suddenly done it again



Halfway to Brighton, we were stopped, well everyone on that freeway M23. There was a car crash or something I heard a policeman say to another. Great. Joe was sat there leaning back on his seat one hand on the steering wheel and one behind his head looking in front of him. I sighed and took off my seat belt and Joe's eyes instantly glued to me when he heard the click of the seatbelt.

''What are you going y/n?'' Joe asked quite concerned.

''Uh im just unbuckling my seatbelt so I can sit more comfly on the seat'' I smiled cuddling myself on the seat. Joe nodded and continued looking in front of him

~2 hours later~

''Okay what the fuck are they doing out there!?'' Joe got frustrated and got out of the car to look whats going on ahead.

He didn't like go to the very front but he just got out beside our car and looked ahead if you know what I mean?

''Oh my fucking god'' Joe shouted getting back in the car.

''What are they doing?'' I asked quietly nearly whispering. Joe looked at me and he saw the fear in my eyes because he knows when he shouts I get a little scared what he shouts like he just did. 

Joe leaned in and kissed my lips passionately. He continued for a couple of seconds kissing normally when he started bitting my lip asking for entrance. I was about to let him in when a road control guy knocked on our window and told us to stop.

Like, wot?

He gave us a dirty look then walked away.

''What was his problem?'' Joe asked holding my chin with his fingers and looking at the guy but he wasn't looking at us.

''I don't know...'' I say looking into Joe's eyes.

Zoe's P.O.V

''They were supposed to be here about an hour ago'' I said to Alfie pacing around the living room whilst he was sitting down on the lounge looking at me.

''I bet they're fine, maybe its traffic or something'' Alfie told me calmly.

''No, No. They'd call and tell me and i'd tell you. I'm calling y/n'' I said taking out my phone quickly my hands shaking bearly about to type in my passcode.

Zoe: Y/n?? Where are you guys?!?

Y/n: Zoe! Im so sorry for not calling but we'll be late.

Zoe: What? Why? Did something happen? What happened??

Y/n: Oh no it's just the road we're on. On the freeway there was a car crash of some sort and the whole thing is blocked and we can't get through. No one can.

Zoe: Oh gosh im so sorrey. When do you think you guys will be here?

Y/n: Zoe, I have no idea. We've already been in this chaos for like 2 hours if not more. Whenever the cars start moving I'll call you instantly. No need to worry about us.

Zoe: Okay okay that's good, cause I actually really was.

Y/n: Aweee Zoe, thank you.

Y/n: Anyway I better go now Joe want something from me.

Zoe: Okay byeee

Y/n: Byeeee

''What is it Joe?'' I asked turning to him

He didn't say anything but just pointed towards the forest beside the freeway. To what he pointed to I was shocked. You don't get these animals in England. 

A bear? 

Surely not.

You never usually get bears in England.

Uh oh.

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