Walk in pt.1

706 26 3

Words: 1605

Warnings: Smut

Joe and I have been dating for a little over a year now and I've have gotten to know Joe's family quite well in that period of time. Joe and I have decided to spend a few days in Wiltshire to get away from the busy city life of London and spend time with Joe's family.

  "What do yous  have planned for today?" Graham asked as the three of us sat around the table eating breakfast.  

 "Not sure really, might just have a walk around town, Y/N's not seen everything yet" Joe answered his dad's question.   

 "That sounds good to me seeing that we go back to London tomorrow," I said sadly. Joe was right when he said that you were going to love the countryside.  "Hey we'll make it back more often this year, I promise. I need to take more time away from YouTube sometimes and what better way than coming over to see Daddy Sugg." Joe said patting his dad on the shoulder.

"You guys are welcome anytime you know that and who knows maybe next visit you two will be looking at wedding venues," Graham said causing Joe to choke on his drink.   

 "You're just as bad as the subscribers you know that" I laughed as Joe tired his hardest to control his cough.  "Cheers dad for almost killing me"   

 "Hey, it could happen," Graham said before taking the plates off the table and walking them over to the sink.   


The day was coming to an end and Joe and I were sat in a small restaurant watching the sunset through the window.  "Do we have to go back to London?" I said standing and throwing on my coat.

"I'm afraid so, we both have work on Monday," Joe said reaching for my hand which I gladly excepted and let him lead me out of the restaurant.   

I frowned at Joe's words as we walked over to his car. I knew he was right, we had to go back to work on Monday and Joe had a ton of meetings. But you also knew that he meant what he said about coming back more often because, whether Joe admitted it or not, he really missed home.   

"Alright love, where are we off to now? Back to dad's to chill or we can go to a bar." Joe said once we two got in his car.   

"Home's fine, I kind of want to relax, we can watch that movie your dad was going on about last night," I said smiling over at Joe.

The two of us arrived home and quickly changed yourselves out of your clothes and into something more comfortable and then headed back downstairs to find Graham had already set up the movie along with a few snacks. 


I was woken up by a gentle hand moving across my cheek. Blinking my eyes open, I focused them on the tv screen that was now rolling through the end credits.   

"How long was I asleep for?"I asked looking up at Joe.  

"Awhile, you maybe saw 15 minutes" Joe laughed lightly as I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.   

"Whoops, I guess the day just caught up with me," I said grabbing hold of Joe's hand so he could help me off the couch.

"Well, then off to bed it is," He said kissing my temple before turning off the tv and following me up the stairs. 

The two of us did our nightly routine, brushing our teeth, washing our face, the usual things you did before you officially called it a night. I tucked yourself into bed when I heard Joe shout goodnight to his dad who was still downstairs before he entered the room and closed the door behind him. Joe climbed in bed and quickly pressed his lips against mine.

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