Caspar's roommate pt.1

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(OMG THE AMOUNT OF SNOW. ACTUALLY CANT @.@ THIS IS A DREAM COME TRUE. But I'd rather for it to snow on Christmas not now. BUT I'LL TAKE THAT, I'LL TAKE THAT.)

Words: 951

Warnings: None

Info: You're 23 years old. Joe is 26 as normal. You're from Australia, moving to London as a surprise. Caspar is your bestfriend you've known 3 years but the last time you saw him was a year ago.

Y/n's P.O.V

Today was the day I was going to see my bestfriend Caspar after like a year. Im flying from all the way Australia to see him. But little does he know that I'm going to say in England. 

I was about to land at Heathrow airport. I'm sooo excited to see Caspar again after soooo long!


Who knew looking for your luggage at the airport would've been so hard? I actually can't find my suitc- I see it! 

I walk over to get my suitcase when I accidentally bump into someone. Oh no.

''Oh my gosh im so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going oh my god im so sorry'' I apologize.

''Don't worry, I wasn't looking where I was going either'' He smiled. Oh my god who is this. His smile is just so, I don't know. He's cute. Slightly taller than me, bright greenish-blue eyes, dirty blonde hair.

''Heh, yeah so. I better get going'' I said pointing towards my suitcase. 

''Oh yeah! Sorry again'' He smiles and starts walking away ''Bye''

''Bye..'' I reply quietly not looking away from him. 

Oh my god! IDIOT! I didn't ask for his name. IM SUCH AN IDIOT! Anyway, calm down y/n. It was just a random stranger. Forget about them. Breathe in and out. Okay.

I grab my large rose gold suitcase and start looking for Caspar in the massive crowd of people. Wow, this airport is really busy. I try to get through the big crowds of people and I succeed. 

I walk around the airport absolutely oblivious about what to do. I couldn't find Caspar.

Speak of the Devil.

A tall blonde South African starts running towards me.

''CASPAR!'' I shout and jump onto his wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, head buried in his neck.

''Hey! I missed you so much y/n! Oh my god'' He smiled. For some reason, I actually started crying. I honestly do not know why, but I did.

''awee y/n, don't cryyy. If you cry I'll cry'' Caspar whinges.

''okay okay I'll try not to'' I cry laugh and smile. 


We're now in an uber to Caspars and his roommates flat. Firstly I never even knew he had a roommate, secondly, I wonder if he's a Youtuber like Caspar. 

10 minutes later we arrive at Caspar's flat. I was kind of nervous to meet his roommate. The only thing That Caspar told me is that his name is Joe. That's all I know.

We entered the apartment and im greeted with a smell of the English Breakfast (Idk if you can smell it lets just say you can if you can't) I look at Caspar and he shrugs. I take my coat and shoes off and Caspar hangs my coat and I put my shoes to the side. 

Caspar starts leading me towards the lounge and Kitchen. It was like a kitchen and lounge in one and when we walked into the lounge I saw the guy from the airport. The guy that I bumped into. This is going to be awkward, but he's cute.

''Hey'' he smiles

''Hi..'' I whisper looking down at my feet looking up at him from time to time.

After a couple of seconds of silence Caspar speaks ''Y/n this is Joe, Joe this is Y/n'' 

We say our Hi's and Hello's to each other, again.


Hours later we end up in the lounge, all three of us watching some horror movie. Joe and I got to meet each other and he's quite nice to be completely honest. I really enjoy talking to him. I was sat in between Caspar and Joe. Every now and then Joe would look over at me and I'd look back and he would rapidly look back at the Tv. You could see his cheeks burning. I laughed under my breathe everytime he done so.

Whilst watching the movie at some point Joe's arm ended up around my shoulder. He must've done the cheeky yawning method. At some point, I remember Caspar leaving because he was 'tired', hardly. I don't believe that. I bet he just wanted to leave myself and Joe alone. I can bet on that.

The movie was still on when I wanted to take a risk. When Joe's eyes were glued to the Tv I gently scooted closer to Joe so our waists were touching eachother. He turns to me and gives me that look. (above)

''Are you single?'' He asked looking deep into my eyes.

''Yeah, why? Are you?''  I reply looking back into his greenish-blue eyes.

''I am yeah yeah, well I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out sometime?'' He asked me.

''That'd be lovely'' I replied smiling.

''You're 23 right? Sorry, I forgot. I do remember that I asked you earlier, but I forgot what you replied with. It's 23 right?''

''Yeah yeah, im 23'' I laughed.

(As you saw there at the top there I added a new feature thingy and I think its cool and it gives you a little information about whats going on what age you are where you're from all that stuff)

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