A nightmare

635 31 3

Words: 793

Warnings: heavy language & violence

Info: You have a horrible nightmare is all I can describe this.

Y/n's P.O.V


''I hate you! I never loved you! I was with you for the sake of it! Jack set me up with you. I never wanted to be with you! Jack forced me into it! I hate you! I don't love you y/n!'' Joe shouted straight in your face. You stood there disappointed. Tears in your eyes.

''W-Why didn't you leave me then?'' I said as quiet as a whisper.

''Because, oh my god! The whole story is that Jack bet me to stay with you. A whole £500. I obviously didn't want to decline a whole £500, so I took it and boom, we're here now.'' He told me. ''Happy??''

''Very'' I say basically crying running off to mine and 'Joe's' room and got a suitcase and grabbed anything I could. I grabbed the most important things. And for clothes I grabbed what I could, I didn't even look at what I was grabbing. I don't care. Im fine with all my clothes. I'll wear anything in there so I don't care. In my suitcase, I had clothes, my laptop, phone charger, makeup bag and this one new pair of shoes I've never worn before. I zip up my suitcase and run out of the bedroom and run towards the door to leave. But before I even got there Joe grabbed me and pinned me to the wall.

''And where are you going?'' He growled straight in my face. He had my hands pinned above my head and his body pressed against mine.

''Away from you as you 'hate' me'' I say trying not to look scared. I didn't want him to know I was scared. Then all of a sudden




He punched me in the stomach and slapped me twice on my right cheek. I look at him in the eyes, my eyes watery. They already were but even more now. The stares back into my eyes and grabs my neck and presses against it.

With both my hands I grab his one had that was around my neck and try to get it off. With his other hand, he kept punching me hard in my stomach and all sorts of other areas. I was starting to lose my breath. I couldn't breathe. 

My vision is going black.

I can't breathe.

I can't see anything anymore.

Everything went black


*3:024 AM*

I felt someone shaking my shoulder gently. I open my eyes and my eyes were full of hot tears, I was sweating and my cheeks were roasting warm. I see Joe over my his face full of concern and worry.

I brought my body to lean against the headboard of the bed and started hugging my legs and cried.

''What happened baby? You were crying and screaming. Tell me what happened'' Joe Questions brushing my hair from the front of my face to the back.

''A-Aaa night-m-mare'' I managed to spit out.

''Tell me about it?'' I nodded.

''Y/n calm down first, it's okay. You're barely able to speak. Calm down baby'' Joe tells me and I try to do so and I eventually calm down enough so im able to speak properly.

''S-so you told me you hated me and that you never wanted to be with me because like Jack got you £500 to date me a-and you done so and you told me you hated me and all that then you p-pinned me to the wall a-a-and you...'' I stopped

''I did what?'' Joe asks.

''You hit me twice on the cheek and punched me in the stomach. Then you grabbed my throat and pressed it against the wall and while you were doing that you were punching me in the stomach and all other places and my vision went black and then you woke me up...'' I say a single tear falling down my cheek.

''Aww baby'' Joe said and he came closer and hugged my small body which I was currently hugging myself. He wrapped his arms around me and I instantly clung my arms around his neck and started to cry into his neck.

''Baby don't cry''

''Just come cuddle''

''Lay your head on my chest''

''I'll rub your back, and give you forehead kisses''


I didn't say anything but nodded and done what Joe said.

Joe laid back in the middle of the bed and I cuddled into Joe's side and laid my head on his chest. He started rubbing my back and from time to time kissing my forehead. He has done so until I eventually fell asleep. I don't know if he continued to rub my back and kiss my forehead because I fell asleep somewhere around 4 am.

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