CT chapter: 1

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Modern Timeline: Jungkook's POV

"I know you'll do well son, just focus on your studies and remember, I want you to come back with a degree."

My father said as he patted my back. He had a sad look in his eyes, which was a rare sight to see. I hugged my mom and sister for the last time, trying to ignore the sniffling and tears streaming down their cheeks.

Through my peripheral vision, I saw the bus approach from around the corner.

I desperately tried to suppress the tears that were threatening to fall.

Along with my luggage, I boarded the bus and took a seat on the opposite side of where my family stood.

As the tears blurred my vision, I tried to let go of feelings of regret and guilt that hammered around in my head.

Should I even be going?

Should I leave my family behind?

Perhaps I should stay back, take care of them and help with the family business.

But I've dreamt of this for so long.

But it was too late now. The bus had already started moving and there was no going back.

I stole a glance at my family over my shoulder for the very last time.

Sighing, I plugged in my earphones and tried to immerse myself in the melody of the song.

I closed my eyes and drifted off.


It seemed like a few hours had passed when I woke up and lifted my head to see that we had arrived in Daegu.

A sharp exhale left my mouth as I sat up straight and stretched my legs.

The bus came to a stop, a generous amount of people boarded and filled most of the remaining seats.

The bus moved but in only a few seconds I saw a person sprint from across the street towards and in front of the bus, making it lurch to a halt.

This made most of the passengers, including me, violently lurch forward in our seats.

A beautiful cascade of curses found their way to my ear as the bus-stopping-idiot rapped on the door while screaming,

"Just open it for god's sake!"

As soon as it did, he casually strolled inside ignoring the dirty looks that were being shot at him.

He was standing next to my seat and staring at me like I was an idiot; I honestly wondered why.

He sighed and before I could respond, he threw my backpack at my face and seated himself next to me.

As our gazes met, I felt my surprised expression morph into a soft and confused one as I felt something click inside me.

He smiled and said,

"Hi! My name is Kim Taehyung."


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