MT chapter: 3

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Medieval Timeline: Taehyung's POV

I groaned as I struggled to open my eyes, yearning for more sleep.

A slight figure towered over me.

"Mr Jung, please wake up."

Said a slightly annoyed but more sarcastic voice.

(A/N- gentle reminder, Tae's surname is Jung for this timeline)

I waved my hand as if to dismiss the owner of the voice.

"Go away! I'll be with you shortly."

Suddenly I felt a hand rigorously shaking my body, almost causing me to topple off the bed.

"No, you will be with us right now."

Said the voice firmly.

I got up to find Yoongi hyung giving me a dirty look.

I quickly got ready, speeding up every time I glanced towards him.

As we walked out, he muttered under his breath,

"That arse Jungkook. Too nervous to do anything . I had to sacrifice my priceless sleep to wake up his majesty who thinks he can live on in his dreamland."

I coughed, trying to tell him that I heard every word he had spoken, but he ignored me and continued talking to himself.

"I would still be getting my beloved sleep if Jungkook wasn't so smitten."

I almost tripped on hearing this.



For whom?

Could it possibly be me?

I shook the thought off and continued walking.

We went below deck to have our breakfast.

"This is Jin, he's the head cook of the ship."

Yoongi hyung introduced me to the broad-shouldered man who looked up and flashed a bright smile.

"Good morning Taehyung!"

He said happily.

"Good morning."

I replied in an equally happy manner.

Only after looking at him properly did I realise how truly handsome he was.

He handed me my breakfast and I immediately took a seat near a bench and dug in.

Till now, I hadn't realised how hungry I had been all along.

Considering how other ship meals tasted, this one was the best by far.

Being done, I ran above deck just to see Jungkook eyeing the crew as they worked.

Without sparing me a glance, he went below deck.

As I walked towards the railing, I suddenly became very conscious of the motion of the ship.

I noticed how the waves rolled below my feet, how the ship had been swaying all along.

I was suddenly aware of everything.

I felt my stomach turn queasy.

My vision turned cloudy and I clutched my stomach.

I saw Jungkook climbing the stairs.

He finally noticed me before I felt myself collapsing.

The last thing I saw before everything went black was Jungkook's face.


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