MT chapter: 22

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Medieval Timeline: Taehyung's POV

Today, we were going to leave Europe and head back to Korea. 

I didn't want to leave knowing that Jungkook and I would be separated, if not then we would never be together as lovers. Nobody would accept that. 

Jin hyung was in a gloomy mood. He would have to leave Namjoon hyung. 

I knew I would miss Namjoon terribly. When Jungkook stopped talking to me, he would be there to comfort me and raise my spirits. He was a true leader, trying to get everyone to talk with each other and make sure everyone was okay and happy. However, he couldn't fix one thing and that was the tension between Jungkook and I. 

I could see why Jin hyung loved Namjoon hyung so much. 

We all had grown so close to Namjoon hyung that it was difficult for us to bid goodbye to him as we boarded the ship. 

He waved at us as the ship made it's way out of the port. Jin hyung broke down in tears as the ship left. 

I bent down and hugged him. His broad shoulders slumped as he cried. I cried with him, partly because I will miss Namjoon hyung but also because I will have to leave Jungkook as well. 

That didn't seem to matter anymore. But I was at least thankful that Jungkook had  been sparing me a few glances but sadly not a smile. 

That charming smile of his would be the only thing I needed to reassure myself that we really hadn't drifted that far apart. 

I needed to rid myself of the ongoing stress and negative emotions that had been circulating in my body and mind. Jin hyung and I both sat at the deck with nothing to do. 

We talked about the future. What would happen and where we would find ourselves. 

"I know that at least when I come back, my parents would try to immediately set a match for me. I mean, I am of marriageable age. It's just that I think I wouldn't be happy with someone I am supposed to be romantically attracted to but instead I think of them as a sister or a best friend. I think I would be more unhappy knowing that I'm not giving the happiness and satisfaction to my partner as a heterosexual." 

"I don't think it would make a difference to me however. I don't think that I will ever feel the same way about anyone the way I felt about Jungkook." 

I said replying to Jin hyung. 

"You know fully well that you can't be with him. The only way is to either get married and forget about him or meet up in secret. But trust me, the latter is much more risky. The consequences won't be pretty." 

"I know hyung, but at the rate Jungkook and I have interacted neither could be possible. I would have to live the rest of my life thinking about what I have done for him to act this way." 

"Taehyung, I know it may seem like it's your fault but I know it isn't. Jungkook's just going through a tough phase. He's just venting that frustration and anger on everyone else. It may not be the right way but it's best if we all give him some space for some time. He loves you Taehyung and it must be hurting him more than anything for him to know that you are hurting. So I advise that stay positive and don't despair."

 "I'm just so confused as to why he won't tell me what's going on and why he has been avoiding me all of a sudden. Hyung you know I want to help him, can you possibly tell me the reason to this?"

"It's not my place to tell you. Besides, he will tell you according to his own time and mood. You can't force it."

"I just wish he can tell me before I can't handle it anymore."

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