MT chapter: 4

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"The last thing I saw before everything went black was Jungkook's face."

Medieval Timeline: Jungkook's POV

Taehyung lay unconscious on the bed.

I submerged a rag into some cold water and placed it on top of his forehead.

I just sat there, my heart thumping thinking of the recent events that had taken place.

My mind wandered to the moment when Taehyung fainted.

He had thrown up all over himself and I had a deck worker change his clothes.

Jin had come to check if he was okay and said that it was only seasickness and had recommended a days rest.

I had to listen to Yoongi hyung making comments about Taehyung being as distressed as a damsel.

Here I was, being the nurse and taking care of him because Jin argued that he had to cook for the rest of the crew.

While I was dwelling upon these thoughts, I didn't realise that I was in a daze and had been staring at Taehyung's attractive face.

Two minutes later I realised that Taehyung and I had been staring at each other for a long time now.

This struck me all of a sudden and I started to blush profusely.

Taehyung groaned, clutching his stomach.

Startled, I jumped in my chair.

We sat in silence for a few seconds.

I wanted to flee the scene but I remained rooted in my spot to avoid a rather rude departure.

I sat there fidgeting with my jugori.

Taehyung just lay on the bed.

My cheeks heated up at the emotionally painful silence.

Taehyung started,

"Yoongi hyung said you were smitten for someone? Is it true?"

My heart pounded, refusing to slow pace. I shook my head vigorously.


Taehyung looked at me with a suspicious look.

"Yoongi hyung is always in his own world. Why would you believe that grumpy old man?"

I said quickly, thinking of an excuse.

I turned to take the cloth off his forehead, only so I could hide my probable pink face.

I called upon a servant and ordered him to summon Yoongi hyung.

As we waited, Taehyung asked me another question.

"You have so many servants. They could've taken care of me. Why did you bother to?"

I pondered for a while and as Yoongi hyung entered to take my place, I replied, after a rather long time,

"I don't know."



I forgot to mention it in the previous medieval chapter, but these few chapters in this timeline will just be fillers, it'll take some time before getting to the main part.


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