MT chapter: 13

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Medieval Timeline: Jungkook's POV

I sighed as I entered my room.

Who knew just eating supper could be so stressful?

I remembered the night's meal.

We all sat down on the table and waited for Namjoon to come and join us. Instead a servant came up to us informing that there has been some delay and he would join us later. Jin hyung scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Yoongi hyung refused the food that the servants had offered and instead chose to wait for Namjoon.

"You know we could just eat. I don't want to be kept waiting."

Jin whispered to Yoongi but instead he shushed him.

"It will be considered impolite if we finish first and he has to eat alone. Besides he is here to help us let us at least do the simple courtesy of eating with him."

Jin hyung sat back disappointed.

Taehyung was very well aware about Jin hyung's sour mood ever since this morning.

A little later Namjoon arrived, looked around and asked why we hadn't eaten.

"I just came so it would not be as rude and ..yeah..."

"Well I deeply apologize for coming so late. I didn't mean to keep you waiting for so long."

Namjoon apologized as he took the seat opposite to Jin hyung.

Jin immediately got up and sat at the head of the table next to me and Yoongi hyung.

Taehyung, who was sitting in between Namjoon and I, stared at me confused at the hostility at which Jin hyung was treating Namjoon with.

It was also clearly evident on Namjoon's face that he was hurt. Although I did know what happened in the past, I didn't know what happened that ultimately ended their affair.

We ate our dinner quietly except for the quiet conversation between Yoongi and Namjoon.

Taehyung and I would look at Jin hyung tentatively as if he was about to explode any second.

Namjoon's eyes seemed to wander everywhere except Jin. Jin hyung kept giving him condescending glares and would receive a kick in the shins from me.


I said trying to scold him.

"Yeah, yeah ok."

Yoongi hyung as usual was unaware of the coldness that was being transmitted between them.

After the meal I could hear Jin hyung mutter underneath his breath as we climbed the stairs,

"I bet I could make better food than anybody in this house."

I entered the room which Taehyung and I were to share. I plopped down on the bed and changed into a fresh set of clothes.

I could hear footsteps in the room as I laid on the bed. I felt the bed sink on the other side. Suddenly a pair of arms encircled my waist and I felt soft breathing on the back of my neck.

I knew who it was. I didn't even feel the need to ask. We stayed in that positon for a while before Taehyung rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Does Jin hyung know Namjoon?"

I froze at that. Well I mean it is quite noticeable how Jin doesn't like Namjoon. Jin hyung was usually very bubbly and open to people.


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