CT chapter: 34

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Current Timeline: Jungkook's POV

We were all awkwardly seated around the table in the fancy restaurant. My parents sat opposite to me smiling and asking how college was going. 

I only responded with curt replies and fake smiles. 

I didn't want to be here, let alone with my family. 

My parents had called up unexpectedly only the day before telling me about their plans for a family dinner since it's been a while since they've seen me. 

A family dinner that is without my sister. 

I didn't even want to bring her up. 

I could understand why they didn't invite her for obvious reasons. 

It ripped me apart to see them talking to me like nothing was wrong yet I could see that pained expression in their eyes as their gaze would fall on the empty space next to me. 

She ripped us apart.

And she tried to fucking ruin our parents by trying to get me to join her. 

My dad had started to look old, his hair was graying and dark circles rid his eyes of the youthful charm it once had.

My mom's skin was also starting to sag and she looked thinner, frail and more tired than ever. 

And here I was destroying myself because of my sister who tried to ruin my parents who worked their whole life for the both of us. 

I felt guilty looking at their sad smiling faces. I wasn't studying and was barely sober most of the time. I felt like an absolute loser sitting in front of my tired, hardworking parents who had much more on their minds than I could ever imagine. 

I didn't even have the courage to make eye contact with them as they asked why I looked so unhealthy. 

What I could tell them anyway?

That I wasn't studying but wasting their money on drinking and clubbing? 

I knew I wouldn't have the guts to tell them that. 

"Hello father. Hello mother."

A familiar voice neared our table. 

"And hello Kookie."

Chaerin looked at me with a disgusting smirk. 

"What are you doing here?"

My father asked his voice getting shaky and louder.

"Oh, just coming to a family dinner that I am supposed to be invited for. Aren't I family?"

"Not anymore. Get out."

My father said struggling to keep an even tone. 

"Oh father, don't escalate this into something big. Stop making a scene, everyone is looking."

I could see the hurt in my father's eyes. 

He was creating the scene?

At least its in front of the restaurant, she embarrassed him in front of the world. 

My mother rubbed my father's shoulder, calming him down. 

"Chaerin, get out. We don't want you here."

"Oh come on Ma, I've finally accomplished something in life, just like you always wanted me to. I have money and power, what more could you want in order to call me successful?"

"That all, at the expense of us. So, we don't want anything to do with you. You're lucky we didn't call the police. Get out before I actually do."

"After all these years, all I wanted to hear was 'you did a good job Chaerin'. But no, you were never happy with me. Every decision I made was to make you happy. I didn't do anything of my own, yet when I have everything and anything you still take me for a child who is incapable of accomplishing anything."

My mother sobbed silently as my father sat with his fists clenched. 

"Anyways, it seems I'm clearly uninvited to this little 'party' of yours. I'll leave then."

She got up from her seat tossing her Gucci handbag over her shoulder and walked away, the sound of clacking following not too far behind. 

My mother broke down into tears while my father held her with his cracked and pale lips pursed into a thin line. Stress creased his forehead as he comforted my mother. 

I got up and stormed outside looking for her. 

"Oh, they were being the cranky old people they are, going on about some crap about me being a disappointment to them and blah blah. I told you it was a bad idea."

I heard her voice conversing with someone on the phone. She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder which was clad in a fitting black dress. She sounded so obnoxious it made my fists clench.

Suddenly her voice became quiet. 

I strained my ears to listen to what she was saying. 

"No-no- we need it done by Friday. It was a done deal- what do you mean he's saying no? He doesn't think I have the supplies? Of course I do- I told him that we had the-"

"No. You tell him this, I have the ammunition with around 400 guns and the men who would do the work for him. Yeah- yeah- its for the heist. The heist in Incheon yeah, he needs to promise me some 15 billion won. Yeah- he won't say no to this offer, I'm doing it at a way cheaper rate for that asshole. Yeah okay- bye."

My stomach dropped. 

I wish I hadn't heard what her plans were. 

Suddenly she turned around and saw me looking at her with my mouth open. 

Her face went pale for a minute before she grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me towards a secluded spot. 

"Jungkook, if you say anything about this shit to anyone I will not hesitate to find you and dispose of you in the most efficient way possible. I don't give a shit that you're my brother or not otherwise your body will be thrown into the gutter."

She threatened me with gritted teeth. 

Her face showed the most disgusting shades of evil as she sneered at me. 

I looked at her white with fear. 

She wasn't my sister.

I would never have this pure hatred and fear for my sister. 

I no longer knew who she was. 

The corners of her mouth lifted into a sneer. 

"Unless, if you can't keep that mouth of your's shut then either our dear parents mourn for you or you join me. The choice is yours."

She began to walk away and then turned behind,

"And you know how to contact me. I need a reply in four days time."

With that she put her black shades on and walked away. 

My stomach flipped upside down and my knees felt weak. 

I felt myself already plunging down the pits of doom.


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