MT chapter: 20

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Medieval Timeline: Taehyung's POV

I sat there fuming with my fists curled up. I fought the urge to cry as tears brimmed by eyes, hearing Jungkook's choked sobs. 

"Why can he not accept us for who we are and not who we love?"

I asked absentmindedly. 

To answer that was a futile attempt for anyone of us and we all knew better so we sat in silence. Jungkook's sniffles were the only sound in the room. 

Later, Namjoon got up seeming to be exasperated with the current situation. 

"I have work to do. I need to frame some documents to request your departure to Korea with all the permitted goods with other documents of what you have sold and the expenditure. I suggest you all retire to your rooms."

Jin hyung just watched him walk upstairs and sighed. Soon after, even he went upstairs leaving Jungkook and I alone. 

Jungkook seemed to have calmed down but seemed tense after Jin hyung left. 

I turned to him and touched his shoulder gently in an attempt of reassuring him after what had happened. 

He flinched as my hand lay on his shoulder, surprising me a little bit. I tried to hug him, but he seemed unwelcoming as he leaned back, almost falling out of the chair as I leaned in. 

"Jungkook, it's okay. We will figure something out."

I said trying to dissipate the awkward atmosphere.  

He simply nodded, not saying a word to me. 

In efforts to strike up a conversation, I remembered Yoongi hyung mentioning something about Jungkook's sister, Ji-Eun. 

"Um..Jungkook, what was Yoongi hyung talking about when he mentioned Ji-Eun?"


"Then why did you cry when he mentioned her?"

"I'm just missing her a lot."

"But he mentioned her as if she had done something wrong. What does that have to do with whatever happened?"

"Taehyung, I think it is wise for you if you didn't ask too many questions."

"I asked you once before, you didn't answer. It seemed a few days ago something happened regarding your sister. What happened?"

"I'm not answering that."

I was surprised that Jungkook was using such a tone on me. It seemed like he was trying to avoid the questions hurled at him and close the conversation. 

"Jungkook, I can try and help you."

Jungkook looked at me with irritation. 

"Do you not get it?! If I don't wish to entertain your questions, you should take that as a signal to either keep quiet and leave me be or to get up and go!"

I looked at him shocked which only seemed to be making him even more annoyed. 

"Why are you so clingy? I need my privacy and space. I think it's about time you realize that."

I felt as if my heart was getting pinched. I backed away from him, folding my arms from the embrace I would have engulfed him in, embarrassed.

The blood rushed to my face and I wanted to hide it, so I got up awkwardly clearing my throat and muttered an apology before I sped walked out of the room, hiding my flushed face. 

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