CT chapter: 37

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Current Timeline: Taehyung's POV

I sat huddled in the corner of my room crying to myself. 

The pain that filled my chest was overwhelming and my head hurt from crying too much. 

Jungkook still hadn't returned and a part of me wanted him to come back and just hug me yet another part of me was too humiliated to look at him in the eye. 

He doesn't love me.

That' why he cheated on me.

That's why we are breaking up.

That's why I'm so affected.

I just refused to accept this. I refused to accept that he ended it. 

It was just so sudden. 

I was gone for a few weeks and now he just claims he doesn't love me anymore.

Something is wrong. 


The night was quiet except for the occasional creaking of wood and the soft lullaby of the sea outside. 

Only the sad cries of a boy resonated through his small room below the deck of the ship. 

He sniffled and wiped the snot dripping down from his nose. The river he had cried now lay around him staining the white bed sheets and pillow.

His heart ached with longing for the ones he loved. 

One had betrayed him forever. One wanted to know him, understand him but he pushed him away with fear of pushing his burdens on his lover's shoulders. 

He didn't understand that so many people loved him. They truly did.

Only true love would take part of the burden. 

But he sat there, pitiable cries escaping his mouth. 

So many things weighed him down. Yet he shut himself out and the cries of concern turned to deaf ears. 

The boy in the other room right across of his lay awake and thinking. 

He reflected over the other's actions.

He just couldn't figure out what was bothering the other.

He didn't know that his lover was in the other room longing for his embrace, his security, his love.


I found Yoonji in my room eating some ramen next to me.


I opened my eyes slightly and found her apologetic face sitting in front of me. 

"Hey, can you eat something?"

She asked as she held out the chopsticks. 

"No, I'm not feeling hungry."

She sighed and looked close to tears. 

"I'm so sorry."


I looked at her confused. 

"I should have never come in between the both of you. Then, I wouldn't have to see you so broken."

I held her face in my palm wiping away the tears that fell from her face.

"It's okay Yoonji. Sooner or later I would have found out. It was inevitable."

"Jungkook has not been doing well Taehyung. It worries me."

"Why what happened?"

I asked sitting up.

"He's been drinking- a lot in fact. And he goes clubbing quite often and I don't know if this is true but I'm pretty sure he's started smoking."



"I don't know why but I have a feeling there is something wrong here. Did he tell you anything?"

"No, we've even tried to knock some sense into him but he's become frustrated and it seems like he's getting anger issues. That is with me at least."

"There must be something that is bothering him. Maybe that's why he cheated on me and started to drink and smoke. Something must have happened when I left."

"Yeah, cause he was fine for a few days after you left but then he suddenly just... changed."

"I wasn't there to help him, maybe that's why he has been acting out."


Don't make the same mistake I did.


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