CT chapter: 22

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Current Timeline: Jk's POV

I woke up to the loud sound of banging on the door.


I screamed with my face squished into the pillow.

"Broooooo get up!!"

I heard Jimin say from the other side.

This midget's gonna die at my hands today.

I groaned and forced myself to get up and open the door.

"It's fucking 12 pm."

I glared at him.

"So? You ought to wake up by now."

"12?!?! DUDE WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU? Who wakes up that early?!?!??!"

"Oh....I wake up at 9."

(A/N: Jimin= trisha7bts )

"Anyway, we have a week off now."

He said, instantly brightening my mood.

"Yassss!!! That means I don't have to see that fatass's face!!"

"Which fatass?"

He continued.

"I mean.......I have a fat ass....."

Much to my dismay, he jumped to face the other side and wiggled his butt in front of my face.

"Oh my eyes!"

I screamed.

"Aww come on!!!! Don't act like you don't like my bootylicious booty."

"Say that to Yoonji."

"Mister......I'm right here."

Yoonji's voice called out from my right.

"Oh....hi Yoonji.....didn't see you there."

I said awkardly while scratching the back of my neck.

She gave me a sickly sweet smile and turned to Jimin.

"Oh by the way-"

Her arms snaked around Jimin's waist.

"-he does have a nice ass."

A strangled moan escaped Jimin's mouth, so I guessed she had just gave his ass a nice squeeze.

God, why am I even thinking of this?

"Get a room, idiots."

"Oh we will."

Jimin said and gave me a perverted smile.

"Oh my-"

I grabbed my temples and massaged them lightly.

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