CT chapter: 31

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Current Timeline: Taehyung's POV


Is this some sort of cinematic coincidence? 

Is this the diary of some woman? 

A storm of questions and thoughts swirled around in my mind. 

I must read further.


It's been three days.

Jungkook has avoided me at all costs. 

We both sleep next to each other but it seems like he's the one who's forced. It brings me pain to think I'm the reason of his discomfort. 

I haven't heard him utter a single word to me unless absolutely necessary.

He only calls me 'Sir' and not 'Taehyung' and it makes me feel like shaking him and asking what the hell is going on in that mind of his. But every time, I think of doing so, he runs away from me.

I suspect it has something to do about the other day when hyung had scorned us.

He acts like he wants to push me away, but his eyes implore for me to stay.

He has fixed me into such a dilemma.

I do not know what I should do.


I just couldn't believe it. 

It seemed far from a coincidence. 

Yet, it was too unbelievable. 



My mind began to conjure up all possibilities but before I could think further I forced myself to read more of the entries.


A week has passed and I can't stop thinking about him. 

I really do think its about what hyung had said. 

I love him.

What can I do if I love a man?

The abnormalities that 'others' see in us, I don't see it. I know we cannot be together when we reach Korea, but at least the thought of spending time with one another gives me comfort and happiness. 

Time with him is the only time I'm willing to slow down. 

Life has become dull. The only part of my day that seems a little less gloomy is seeing Jungkook's face. 

Even his warm and content smile has been lost. 

I miss his contagious laughter and unending charms.

I miss our midnight talks, our stolen kisses, our pranks. 

I miss him.


I stopped and pondered for a minute. 

"You made this up didn't you?"

I asked Baekhyun doubting the whole legitimacy of the book. 

"What? No. I thought it was creepily similar to you so I thought that you just had to take a look at it." 

"No, there's no way this is real."

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