CT chapter: 15

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Current Timeline: Taehyung's POV

I woke up with a banging headache.

Shit, what the actual fuck happened last night?

I rolled onto my side to find Jungkook still passed out next to me. My eyes wandered to his lips.

Oh fuck, that happened.

Wait, is that a hickey on his neck? What the fuck did I do last night?

I winced as the headache continued to pound on my head.

I dragged myself out of the bed to try and stand up but I ended up sitting back down as the pain was too much for me to handle and was making me dizzy.

I called out for anybody in the house but nobody responded.

Daehyun I will literally hunt you down for getting Jungkook drunk and leaving us in some godforsaken house.

I forced myself to get my ass up and moving. I winced with every step taken because it was as if somebody was ramming a knife multiple times in the back of my head.

I managed to get out of the room and into the living room.

There were shards of glass lying on the floor. Multiple bottles and cups were strewn everywhere and liquor was spilt. People had passed out and were now either sleeping on the couches or were propped up against the wall like dolls.

There were less people in the house from the party last night. At least the number of people I remember.

Suddenly my stomach started to feel sick and I covered my mouth with my hand as I clutched my stomach and ran to the bathroom.

I hastily opened the toilet seat and I was lucky enough to have made it. I vomited as my head throbbed more than ever.

When I was done, I sat on the floor breathing heavily, my headache refusing to lessen. I heard groaning next to me.

The bathtub curtains opened revealing a staggering man ruffling his hair.


I yelled scared at the sudden appearance.


We both clutched our heads in pain. I slumped against the wall with the unbearable pain.

"What were you doing in the bathtub?"

I asked weakly.

"Jerking off"


"Nah just kidding bro. But I would be doing questionable stuff if I had a girlfriend. Came here to hook up with someone."

"That's a relief to hear otherwise I'd be thinking you're some low life creep."

"I mean....I don't mind hooking up with you."


He chuckled.

"I'm not that desperate though, so you don't gotta worry. What's your name by the way?"

"You promise you will not come looking for me and stalk me if I tell you?"



"I'm BamBam."

"Now that I know your name is BamBam, I think I will keep calling you Man Whore."

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