MT chapter: 1

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Medieval Timeline: Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung, my son, you must get ready at once for Mr. Lee is visiting and will stay for dinner."

Said father.

"May I know who Mr Lee is?"

I asked. He simply chuckled and said,

"Don't you worry, now go, get ready."


Mr Lee's assistant, or at least who I assumed was his assistant, exchanged a few words with our servant, who immediately ran up and informed father about our guest's arrival.

Within a few minutes, father was at the entrance, greeting Mr Lee while nervously straightening his shirt.

I freshened up a bit and made my appearance presentable and walked down the stairs. By that time, they were sipping on tea and had engaged in a conversation.

Mr Lee's shifted to me and I bowed down low in respect, as did he when he got up.

I took a seat next to my father and was introduced to the newcomer.

They continued their conversation while I sat quietly, listening to their discussions on a wide range of topics.

Throughout, it seemed as though the invitee had developed an interest in me after the talk had veered off to my achievements.

"Mr Jung, can I ask whether your son could accompany my own son on the voyage."

Mr Lee suggested.

"I beg your pardon, but what is this voyage you have mentioned?"

I asked.

"Ah! Son, please forgive me for not speaking of this matter with you sooner. Mr Lee and I have agreed to become business partners for a while. Our guest here received an order for some supplies but unfortunately lacked the machinery required for its transportation. Since we already have this aforementioned machinery, we thought it wise to help each other, given what a wonderful business opportunity it is."

Father replied.

Mr Lee continued,

"And my son has already consented to help me with the trade. And I thought a brilliant young man of your acumen but little experience might benefit from learning the art of trade firsthand, and would also keep my son sensible company."

I flitted my eyes towards father and made an expression which I hope conveyed my message of pleading for allowance to go.

He pursed and then tightened his lips as if questioning my impulsive decision.

Ever so slightly, I pouted my lips and furrowed my eyebrows in a disappointed manner.

As childish as it may seem, father always fell for this expression. He nodded and, with a reluctant look in his eyes, turned to Mr Lee and said in a tone of finality.

"Well then, you shall wait for my son at the harbour."


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