MT chapter: 16

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Medieval Timeline: Taehyung's POV

Jungkook descended the stairs with an expression that looked like he had read only a part of a book and was anxious to know what was going to happen next.

Without even greeting anyone, he immediately took a seat and started devouring the food mindlessly like his mind was preoccupied but he kept eating anyway.

What happened to this man?

I looked up to see Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung exchanging worried glances, it seemed as though they knew something I did not. Perhaps they did.

I looked at Namjoon hyung and was satisfied to see that he too looked as confused as me.

Great. I am not the only one who is clueless.

"We are going to finalise the deal with Mr. Richard, right?"

I asked.

"Yes. I also plan on visiting Mr. Brian to check if he has agreed to our deal."

Yoongi hyung replied.

"Alright. When are we leaving?"

"An hour or two later."

Namjoon hyung replied.

Atleast that means I will have time to talk to Jungkook.

"Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung, did you receive a letter from father?"

Jungkook asked, looking solid.


Both Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung replied at the same time.


Jungkook got up abruptly and ran up, probably to our room.

Not to make a rude exit, I finished my breakfast and excused myself from the table.

I quickly opened the door of our room, expecting to see Jungkook, but it was deserted.

I checked in the bathroom, the balcony and under the bed, just to be sure. But he was not to be found anywhere.

Just when I was about to move out of the room, the door clicked open to reveal a crying Jungkook.

I immediately ran to him and brought him inside and gave him a glass of water. Only after he drained the whole glass did I say a word to him.

"Jungkook, what happened?"


He managed to say through his shuddering body.

"What happened? Feel free to tell me."

"My sister..."

He sniffed a little bit more.

"Well, what happened to your mother and sister?"

He looked at me, seeming to reconsider something and then said,

"I miss them so much."

"Oh, dear."

"I want to see them Taehyung, I want to see them so desperately."

I hugged him and he sobbed in my arms, randomly muttering 'Mother' and 'Noona'.

"Do you want to go home?"

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