MT Explanation

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So....I'm about a 100% sure that some people weren't very happy with Jungkook's death.

I'm sorry for making anyone sad or disappointing them or whatever, but it was kinda necessary.

BUT HEY- there's good news! I believe in happy endings so this story will definitely end on a good note.

Only the Medieval Timeline has ended. Not the Current Timeline.

So the story's gonna continue, the only thing is that now there will only be Current Timeline.


Now for those who might be confused as to why Jungkook suicided, here ya go;

This part of the story was set around the 17th century, so people obviously weren't as open minded as they are right now, so a thing like 'Someone's sister running away with a man of lower caste and bearing their child out of wedlock without permission of the family'  is something that will destroy the reputation of even some of the most prestigious families.

Like, no joke, things like this could actually destroy any kind of respected image you had. Jungkook's family were very respected in their district and honor was and still is important to many people. So they would rather kill themselves than live in humiliation. The things people in power or who are well known, do to protect their honor is sometimes appalling. 

And besides, it was very heartbreaking for Jungkook since he really admired his sister and looked up to her.

When Yoongi shows that he is a homophobic in MT Chapter: 19, Jungkook kinda realises that it wasn't 'normal' to be homosexual.

Now. Don't get me wrong, it's perfectly fine to be homosexual, but again, this was the 17th century, so people thought of this as a very 'weird', 'abnormal' and 'strange' thing for humans to feel. Yoongi was just brought up in such an atmosphere where such situations were termed as strange and unnatural. It wasn't completely his fault. 

So from the previous point, I guess you could tell that people wouldn't be very happy if they found out that Taehyung and Jungkook loved each other and were in a relationship.

Obviously, Jungkook worried about his, his family's and Taehyung's reputation. Jungkook's family image was already pretty bad, and if the public got to know about something like this, what little respect they had left, would dissipate into thin air.

He hears the workers gossiping in MT Chapter: 21 who were talking about his sister and what she did. If he wasn't able to tolerate his sister's humiliation, how was he going to deal with the gossips, humiliation and far fetched rumors if the public got to know about his relationship with Taehyung?

Back to MT Chapter: 19, when Yoongi declared his homophobia, he was pretty pissed, so he was scolding Jungkook about how he should know better than to do something as embarrassing as this and kind  of gave him two possible outcomes of his life;

Either he continues like this and watches his family's reputation crumble or he gets married to a woman from a good family and can perhaps mend their image.

But obviously, DIS BITCH GAY, so he knows that he won't be satisfied continuing his life with a woman, who he knows that he won't be able to satisfy himself romantically or sexually.

He doesn't want to be ostracized from society. 

That's pretty self explanatory considering how people were back then...


So, in short, Jungkook is a weaker character in this timeline. Suicide is definitely not an option, but because he didn't want to to face society for being the way he was he acted in a clouded sense of mind.

When Jungkook said in MT chapter: 19, that he has to 'leave Taehyung' was because he wanted to reduce the pain for Taehyung when he was gone. To him it seems it would be less heartbreaking for Taehyung if he would already start distancing himself from him rather than spending all of his last days with Taehyung, who would grow more attached to him. Jungkook didn't want him to be utterly broken if he did take the drastic decision to end himself. Had Jungkook not killed himself, then anyways they would have to separate if they wanted to protect their image. And Jungkook feared that he himself would grow attached to Taehyung and it would be unbearable for him if they had to separate. So in his view, Jungkook thought it was for better for both of them.

Jungkook wasn't very sure that he would definitely commit suicide but he was convinced after hearing the workers in MT chapter 21, gossip about his sister. In the end of that chapter he takes some paper and starts to write something. As he is doing so he says that 'he is sure of it now' which hints that he was writing his letter to Taehyung which he reads in MT chapter 23.


Also, recently I uploaded a note where I said I was editing the story, and of course, there were some parts that I changed.

Most don't make much of a difference but just remember that I added a part in MT Chapter: 20 where it is hinted that Taehyung starts to write in a journal.


Don't hesitate to ask me if you're still confused or if you have any questions :)

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