MT chapter: 19

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Medieval Timeline: JK papi

Taehyung smirked at my actions and then ripped my clothes off after I undressed him. There was nothing separating our heated bodies and there was nothing blocking our desperate thoughts.


The next morning, I woke up tired and exhausted after last night's enjoyment.

We were to return in 2 weeks time and I couldn't wait to meet my family, but without one member.

I had cried and sulked over my sister the day I had found out and had continued to do so for the next day as well. But then I had tried to compromise with the fact that my sister had run away and would never return. She would never have the fortitude to even show her face to my father, let alone the district.

I prayed that she was okay. I tried to be optimistic. Had she already been married, the situation would have been worse. She was in love after all.

But would I do the same for Taehyung?

This thought had lingered in my mind. I had gotten over the initial shock and found it stressful and tiring to muse over such things.

I didn't know if I could even ever meet Taehyung after we return to Korea, so I made it a point to spend as much time with him as possible.

He was sleeping next to me and I turned with his back facing me and I swung my leg over his legs and brought his body closer to mine as I brought the quilt over us.


Taehyung and I came down for breakfast. Yoongi hyung looked at us with slight disgust and suspicion as I limped till the table, groaning in pain as I sat down.

Taehyung gave me a smirk, but I shot a glare back at him.

It's all your bloody fault, I can't sit down anymore.

As if he could read my mind, he leaned towards my ear.

"You asked for it, love."

Although I did, I didn't want to be submissive.

"It was my first time and I did not know how it is done. I only let you take control because I was clueless."

"What's with the sudden defiance huh? I clearly recall you asking for more and moaning my name."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at our quiet chattering.

"What is it that you are talking about? Can you not share it with all of us?"

I chuckled nervously. Yoongi hyung seemed to have taken a liking in picking on both of us lately.

"Do you really want to know hyung?"

Taehyung suddenly said with a surprising amount of courage.

"Why not?"

"But first, answer my question."

"Okay. What is it?"

"Do you accept men who love other men?"

I felt the pit of my stomach plunge.

No no no he can't tell him. Yoongi hyung would be furious and maybe even tell my father and an uproar will surely be created.

Yoongi's face hardened but Taehyung didn't recoil. He almost seemed fed up with Yoongi hyung's behavior towards us.

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