MT chapter: 9

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Medieval Timeline: Taehyung's POV

I opened my eyes with a jolt when I felt my right hand intertwined with another one.

Letting my sight clear up a bit, I looked to my right to see Jungkook sitting in a chair, sleeping, and his hand laced with mine.

What- oh lord he didn't actually-

If I recalled correctly, Jin had told someone to stay with me in case my back hurt even after resting.

Initially it was a worker who offered, with a good reason; his mother did acupressure and so he had learnt some himself. He said he could help reduce the pain if there was any.

But strangely enough, Jungkook, out of the blue, volunteered to stay with me rather loudly and if I didn't know better, I would've said he sounded desperate.

While I was trying to sleep earlier, I actually did not mind his presence, in fact it felt comforting. But later on I started getting irritated when he asked me questions every few seconds.

"Are you able to sleep properly?"

"Should I get some cushions for you?"

"Does your back ache too much?"

"Do you think you'll be able to stand upright?"

"Should I get some sort of ointment?"

"Perhaps you need some of that 'acupressure'.....?"

"Do you want to eat something? Perhaps you will feel better. You've been in the sun all day. You'll feel more energetic after eating."

"I could tell Jin hyung to make a soup that will give you some energy."

I honestly was extremely confused.

Since when did Jungkook care and worry so much about me?

It felt comforting but his tone and approach.....unnerved me a little bit. Not in a negative manner, certainly.

But I was more worried about Jungkook than he was for me.

He had finished my part of the work as well.

Surely he must be tired to the bone. As far as I know he hadn't even eaten anything, maybe he had been beside me all the while!

Dear god!

Why was this dongsaeng such a pain in the neck?

But deep down inside, I knew he touched my heart by his incredibly kind gesture.

Deep down, my inner self was celebrating and dancing in joy.

Deep down, my inner self was cheerfully singing.

Deep down, my inner self was crazily blushing.

Deep down, my inner self was flustered to the core.

Deep down, my inner self was kind of uneasy.

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