CT chapter: 42

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Current Timeline: Jungkook's POV

Taehyung helped me sit up when I had woken up again. 

My head ached and my stomach felt sick.

"What happened?"

"You got alcohol poisoning so I had to be here the whole night cleaning your vomit."

He replied in a tired voice.

I looked at his shirt and saw a disgusting mess that I assumed I had made.

"That was me?"

I asked pointing at his shirt.

"Yes. But it's okay, I needed to change out of this anyway."

He left me alone in the room to go and change. 

Dumbfounded, I tried to make sense of what exactly had happened that made me land up here. 

It all came back and made my head hurt more than ever. 

Taehyung came back and saw me trembling in fear. He rushed and pulled me into his warm embrace. 

I sat whimpering and sobbing like a child and clutched the sides of the sweater tightly.

When I had calmed down a bit, he looked at me with glassy eyes and held my face in his hand. 

"It's okay. Don't hold back." 

I held his waist once more and cried like I never had before. 

I could feel Taehyung shivering under me as he also broke down but tried to muffle his sobs.

We pulled ourselves apart.

"I love you Jungkook. It's okay to tell somebody. You don't have to do it by yourself. Sometimes it's okay to ask for help. And sometimes it's okay to be angry or sad." 

"I just didn't want to hurt you."

"It's for me to decide whether I would be hurt or not. We can find a way out of whatever is bothering you, I'm sure."

"I don't think so."

"I'll only know if you tell me."

I hesitated before telling myself to fuck it all and told him.

He looked at me without a single readable expression or word.

When I finished, he hugged me and rubbed circles onto my back.

"It must have been so hard."

I nodded and cried once again. 

"We'll get through this together."

He whispered and I held onto him tighter than ever.

"I love you so much Taehyung."


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