CT chapter: 10

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Current Timeline: Jungkook's POV

It had been a week since Daehyun and Taehyung started dating and I still couldn't control my hands curling into fists every time I saw them together. Which, let me rephrase, is 24/7. 

Taehyung seemed to have noticed my sudden snapping at him every time I was reminded that he had a girlfriend. 

I felt guilty, but my pride came in the way. 

Whenever Daehyun would come to crash at his place while I was present there, he seemed to avoid her caresses while warily eyeing me for a reaction. 

I would have to resist the urge to clench my jaw and punch Daehyun square in the face, but because I didn't want Taehyung to grow any more quiet than he already was around me I always forced a smile at him ignoring the growing hole inside of me every time she touched him.

I boarded the bus to Busan with Jimin after our goodbyes with Yoonji and Taehyung who were heading to Daegu, but unfortunately by a different bus for the small break we had.

I was genuinely happy to see Taehyung for once without Daehyun trailing behind him all the time. 

It was a long journey but all the while Jimin and I talked, getting to know more about each other.

"I really love her."

Jimin said, blushing when we began to talk about Yoonji. 

"She's lucky to have you by her side."

I said teasing him. 

"No, I am the luckiest man in the world to have her with me." 

Jimin corrected.

It hurt me a little when he sounded so happy. Love had been kind to him. Here I was, trying to convince myself that Taehyung and Daehyun were meant to be and even if they weren't, then there was still no possibility that Taehyung would reciprocate my feelings. I had it set in my mind that what I was doing was rational but my heart knew better. 

Every time he glanced at me, my breath would hitch. The way he smiled would leave me in an internal hot mess. The way he would playfully initiate skinship would set my heart aflutter, longing for more. The worst of it all was that dark, passionate look he had in his eyes when he was angry, which was rare, but it ignited a fire inside of me and even when it died down the embers within still glowed with lust. 

I tried to shake him off my thoughts but they kept wandering back to him.

Think Jungkook, think of something you like.

But I like Taehyung.

Shut up you desperate lovesick asshole. 

I like... ice cream. But Taehyung likes ice cream too. 

I like my lips.

I can't wait till Taehyung can kiss them. 


I cringed at the very thought. 

I probably need to close my eyes and sleep. Yeah, then I won't think about him. 

But what if I DREAM about him? 

Just calm down man, just go to sleep.

That boy really had himself engraved in my head.

I slowly drifted to sleep. 

A little later Jimin shook me awake alerting me that our stop had arrived. 

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