CT chapter: 41

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Current Timeline: Jungkook's POV

My eyes opened and light flooded into my eyes forcing me to close them again. I opened them slowly once again adjusting to the light.

My heart stopped for a split second as I stared at the foreign ceiling. 

With my eyes still wide open I scanned my surroundings frightened, but as my gaze fell upon a sleeping Taehyung, I let out the breath I didn't realize I had been holding and relaxed my tensed shoulders.

He was sitting slumped against the corner of the wall in the seat across to my bed with his hands folded in front of him. His mouth was open and his head kept falling from the support yet he brought it back and closed his mouth. 

How cute.

I realized I was in a hospital. 

My hand was connected to the IV and I was dressed in the hospital's clothes. 


His head slipped and he woke up almost falling from his seat.

Rubbing his eyes, he got up and stretched and let out a beastly noise from his mouth. 

I laughed and he looked at me in surprise.

"You're awake?"

He asked softly almost as if it were a whisper. 

I smiled and he came towards me slowly with worry painted all over his face. 

"You don't know how scared I was."

He muttered under his breath. 

Suddenly it flashed before my eyes. The road and cars moving below me while I spread my arms and extended a foot out to-



I looked back at him fear consuming my body just thinking about what I would have done.

"I love you."

He looked at me with the most heartbroken eyes ever. 

I simply stared back at him while my eyes became glassy with tears. 

We both just looked at each other for the longest time as if it was like we were communicating.

But, that one look in his eyes told me everything and made me want to look away. 

I never wanted to see that look in his eyes. 

He looked at me with the unconditional love evident, telling me that no matter what I did he would love and cherish me. 

I closed my eyes that began to burn and let go of his hand. I turned to the other side with my back facing him and let the tears drop painfully slow. 

He didn't say anything and just lay a reassuring hand on my head and began stroking my hair.

He knew I was hurting from inside but he didn't demand anything, he was just there. 

And that was enough for me to feel a little better. 


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