Author's Note - Thank You

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Hi kids


It's been well over a year since this book got over, so this fic has probably been removed from countless libraries, but for those who have got this notification and clicked on it (why?), I have something reallllyyyyy important for me to say.

(Oh btw it is I, Amita, the supreme lord of lethargy aka fangirl_V_46)

So I revealed some time around CT chapter: 26 that this book is actually a collaboration with the one and only shookethforlife, and later on I had absol00tly no access to this very sinful place called Wattpad.

Basically after a certain point, shookethforlife took over and has written every single word that you guys have loved and continued to support.

So from my side, I give a 110% percent of the credit to shookethforlife. Honestly, if it weren't for her, I doubt this book would've ever executed to this level of perfection.

She took the load of finishing this book, and she did it damn well.

I can't thank her enough for her efforts and I've been meaning to add a chapter like this, crediting her, for quite a while. But today she texted me saying that we reached 51k reads!!!

And that's all thanks to her, really.

And y'all too, never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd get 51k reads (actually I dreamt of over a million reads but hey, ya girl is allowed to dream, right?), so thank you, from my side, to both shookethforlife, without whom idk where this book would be and everyone who's read this, without whom we wouldn't have gotten to this level of success (okay ik it ain't a lot but really, it's more than enough for me)

So thank you!! So much!!! And I love yall💜

(Also stream ALL ABOUT LUV by MonstaX, it is a masterpiece)

(p.s go follow shookethforlife or I will sneak into your house and replace all your shoelaces with spaghetti)

(p.p.s the painting in the beginning is the most magnificent thing I've ever seen, it's called Victorian Velociraptor with Violets by Adam Mazur)

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