CT chapter: 8

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Current Timeline: Taehyung's POV

I woke up with my head throbbing and Jungkook sleeping next to me, my arm resting on his chest which rose and fell with each breath.

His skin looked like a soft cloud, his lips had a rosy tint and were slightly parted. His hair fell on his face. He looked like an innocent child oblivious to the harsh, cruel world.

So this is what it feels like to wake up next to Jungkook.

I stretched my legs and felt them wedged in between Jungkook's legs. His arm was wrapped around me leaving no distance between the two of us. My head lay on Jungkook's chest.

I grunted as I reached for my phone, the pain ringing throughout my body.

Still got another hour and a half. Gotta get over this hangover or I'll have a bunch to catch up on.

Something seemed a little bit off. I scrambled for my phone.

My eyes widened when I turned my phone on and looked at the lock screen.

It was a picture of Jimin and Yoonji cuddling.

I could taste the bile rushing to my mouth as I stared at the picture in shock.

A little bit off? My ass. What happened last night?

Of course I remember that incident with Daehyun but it was vague and after that I was too disorientated too understand anything.

Jungkook eyes fluttered open before staring at me open mouthed. He instantly went a deep shade of red as he took his arm off me.

"Why did you come back?! Weren't you sleeping on my bed? I slept on Jimin's bed for a reason."

He sputtered.

"What reason?"

"I just feel sorta weird ok?"

"What's so weird about me?"

I asked smugly. There was nothing more enjoyable than watching Jungkook stumble upon his own words.

"Just- forget it. Just go sleep on the other bed if you are still feeling sleepy. It's really uncomfortable having your freaking leg up and near my crotch."

He said signaling towards my leg.

"Oh, did I give you a boner?"

I teased.

"Just get off me asshole."

"Why so grumpy?"

I pouted.

"Me? Grumpy? So now I don't have the right to act the way I want to, after you drag me into a pub despite knowing I am underage, dealing with you and Daehyun being all mushy and crap, having to carry a drunkard 'aka' you on my back while risking my dignity, and to top the sundae with a cherry, not getting my beauty sleep."

I admit I felt a little guilty for making him go through all this just because I felt bored. I was surprised how he didn't just leave me there and decide to flee.

Well there's a first for everything.

I would be lying if I said I didn't grow a little more attached to him. Yeah he is a little uptight but there is something about him that is just really intriguing.

"You sound like Yoonji, and besides you seemed to like us cuddling."

He suddenly started coughing as if he just choked on air. He cleared his throat as he looked everywhere but me.

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