CT chapter: 4

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Modern Timeline: Taehyung's POV

I felt Jungkook's fiery gaze burn into the side of my face.

Knowing fully well he was looking at me, I bit my lips even more conspicuously, he whipped his head in the other direction.

The girl quickly stepped back into the bathroom.

We both just stood there.

It seemed like an hour before the bathroom door opened. This time, though, when she stepped out, she was fully dressed.

She quickly bowed before we could react and ran out of the room.

With a forced note of casualness, Jungkook broke the silence saying,

"Let's unpack your bags. I'll help."

Trying to make the smugness in my voice obvious, I said,

"Dude. That is not what you say after seeing a girl that hot."

He frowned and tried to hide his expression from me by looking at his feet.

But me being myself, I continued to agitate him, knowing fully well how fucking disgusting I sounded.

"Those legs though. OOF."

He looked at me, visibly shocked.

I continued without hesitation.

"And she looked so good too, wonder if I'll ever be fortunate enough to go out with that."

Yuck when did I become a creep??? 

But it didn't matter, because Jungkook started to fidget.

"That smooth skin, her huge eyes, plump lips."

I said, inhaling loudly. 

Becoming a vile frat boy are we?

Jungkook's hands started to roll into fists.

His jaw was clenched.

"If only I could get a glimpse of that face for longer."

I added, this statement far more sarcastic than the others, and far more disgusting.

That seemed to be the last straw for him and he said quietly in a low dangerous tone,

"I'm going to go unpack."

Then he stormed out of the room, forgetting to close the door behind him.

I didn't expect such a reaction, surely he didn't think I actually meant-

Oh my god.

Huffing, I left the room, locking it behind me, and literally ran to his room.

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