CT chapter: 11

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Current Timeline: Taehyung's POV

Ever since I came back from the 'trip' with Daehyun a few days ago, Jungkook seemed to be ignoring me. And he also seemed to be pretty angry, this hurt me a lot.

He avoided me in every place possible, one would think he only tried to avoid weird questions but no!! Not even the simplest 'Hellos' and 'How are yous' were answered.

The only way in which I got a response, that too not a proper one, was when Yoonji acted all sassy with me, this was when he would smirk and scoff loudly.

On the multiple occasions when he ignored me, I felt horrible all over again and the guilt kept on annoying me like those lame and irritating advertisements that seemed to follow you wherever you went.

Many times I caught him looking at me, but instead of looking angry or irritated, he looked slightly.....fearful.

It seemed like every time he looked at me, he saw some sort of ghost. But obviously, he would shoot an expression of disgust and would look away.

This crushed my newly risen spirit because every time he looked at me, I thought there was some hope and that he would finally forgive me. I felt that every time he looked me at he was looking at me, he was just wondering whether he should let go of the one-sided grudge or not.

Whenever I wondered the same, my mood would be cheerful and would throw a wild but short lived party. But even that short duration was enough to fuel my happiness for.......-I sighed- a mere five minutes.

Every ignored moment from his side (which came my way a bit too often) caught me off guard and punched me in the face. Real hard. I was very well aware that it was going to happen, but my mind chose to be positive at the absolute worst of times and thus resulted in me being slapped by guilt.

Dang it stupid optimisticattheworsttimesbutnotwhenneeded brain!

His ignorance honestly disturbed me alot; had I done something wrong?

Of course, I expected him to be jealous when I came back, but not so much.

In fact, my aim was to make him jealous but sadly anger came as an unwanted free package.

But the only reason I wanted to make him jealous was so that he would come closer to me in order to get Daehyun out of the picture.

Speaking of Daehyun, it was not even that I had any genuine feelings for her. The only reason why we both dated was so that we could achieve our personal goals.



A crazy idea was created in my mind and.....oh gosh no!! That meant-


I shuddered and cringed at the thought of-

Hmmm. On second thought, that cringey shit could work!!

Without even going over the crazy plan again, I jumped out of the broom cupboard I was hiding in to be safe from Mr. Kyungsoo who was planning to murder me for skipping his class.

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