CT chapter: 40

840 72 4

Current Timeline: Taehyung's POV

My heart suddenly dropped.

I was getting a really bad feeling right now. 

I shot up from the bed and rushed towards the door despite Yoonji's protests.

The anxiety was gnawing inside me as I felt an extreme sense of panic. 

I didn't know what was overcoming me or what told me to go there but I listened to my instincts and raced up the staircase. 

Upon opening the terrace door, my eyes met with a horrifying sight. 

Jungkook stood on the edge of the platform with his arms spread wide next to him in surrender.

I stood rooted on the spot terror stricken with the sight that had greeted my eyes.





The words screamed at me making me move. 

I rushed towards him and caught his arms dragging him down from the platform. He flailed his hands screaming for me to let go. 

I fell on the ground along with him trying to hold him back down while he tried to get back up on the edge.

Holding a firm grip on him, he thrashed around and screamed and sobbed. 

I took him as far away from the platform as possible and pinned his arms down on each side. He tried to overpower me but I stayed firm. 

Then his hands went weak and he lay motionless on the floor. 



I lightly tapped his cheeks and checked his pulse. 

He had passed out. 

The situation sank in and I broke down. My heart was running at an incredible pace yet it hurt. A chaos of emotions swirled inside and a conflict had ensued. 

I just wept over his unconscious body and hugged him making sure his body was close to mine. I held onto him like there was no tomorrow.

He reeked of the stench of alcohol and that itself just tore me apart. 

To know how much he was suffering.

I was going to lose him. 

The thought repeated in my head making me sob more and more. 

I heard a shriek and looked towards the door. Through my blurred vision I could see Yoonji standing in pure shock. 

She ran to me and kneeled down next to me. 

"What happened Taehyung?!"

I tried to stop crying but the tears kept flowing. 

"H-he tried Yoonji. He tried to-"

I couldn't see anything more and broke down. 

Yoonji just looked at me in utter shock as it dawned upon her. 

I felt her hand patting my back while she hugged me. 

"Let's take Jungkook to the hospital."

Her voice sounded shattered and utterly shocked. 

I looked at her and saw tears streaking down her now red face.

This was the first time I had seen her cry.

I hugged Jungkook and with the help of Yoonji got him on my back and walked the way to the hospital. 

Jimin also came with us, trying to offer me help. 

I declined and continued to carry him on my back. 

There was a somber look on all of our faces. We barely spoke as we carried him all the way to the hospital. 

We reached the hospital and we told the nurses what had happened. 

They put him on a stretcher and I saw the top of his head disappear behind the doors of the emergency room. 


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