MT chapter: 7

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        Medieval Timeline: Taehyung's POV

Jungkook immediately got off me. 

Jin hyung stood there smirking. 

He walked out of the room clearly feeling awkward.

I smirked and went to my room while devising a clever plan for that afternoon. 

Throughout the entire day, Jungkook kept glaring at me with a threatening look and I would return the look, but mocking him only for him to get more annoyed. 


"YAH! WHO TOOK MY FOOD!!" Jin hyung shouted at the top of his lungs. 

I flinched.

He's really angry.

But that is just going to make it so much more fun.

Jin hyung stomped onto the main deck where I was sitting and Yoongi hyung was discussing some important matter with Jungkook. 


He yelled. 

"You have a secret cupboard?"

Yoongi asked. 

Jin hyung glared at him furiously. 

"Oh, now I realize where you get all that food for yourself from."

Yoongi said. 

I grinned evilly as he turned the ship upside down in efforts to find his beloved food. 

"Ah! I don't want to eat the food you all eat now." 

He said, almost close to tears. 

Little does he know I kept the loot in Yoongi hyung's room, but he knows better than to search there.

After an hour of searching, Jin gave up. 

"I'm just going to starve till we reach Europe."

He said. 

"I would not promise that knowing you." 

Yoongi said. 

Jin hyung remained distraught for the rest of the day and I know that it is unfair of me but I enjoyed seeing him like that. 

I crept into Yoongi hyung's room when he wasn't there and took what was Jin's.

But now it's mine.

I went back to my room. 

I was caught off guard when I saw Jungkook in my room. 

He was eyeing the chest in my arms. 

"That is Jin hyung's food isn't it?"

"What? Pfttt. Nooo..." 

He raised his eyebrows at me. 


I rolled my eyes. 

"This is his food. But are you going to be a good and obedient child and tell him?" 

"No, I was actually thinking if we could eat together."

He said and grinned. 

"I'm trusting you, Lee."

I said while narrowing my eyes at him.

Together we sat down on the floor and began rummaging through the food. 

"That hyung is eating his comfort food while we have to eat week-old leftovers." 

Jungkook said as he grabbed a few items.

I held his wrist. 

"You sure are mean and disrespectful to your hyungs huh?"

I said. 

"What? How am I being mean? You're the one who stole Jin hyung's food, watched him get upset and decided to reap the benefits by eating his food." 

He snapped back. 

"No...I never said I was going to empty his hard-earned food. Yes, it was fun watching him get distressed. But emptying the basket would just be cruel."

"Then what are we doing eating his food?"

"We are only eating one thing, because what is the point if I stole from him but didn't benefit from it?"

"You really are as shallow as I thought you were."

"Excuse me? Who wanted to empty the whole basket? You're the one who's shallow."

"Fine. Your heart is made of gold."

As we were eating Jungkook pouted. 

My heart melted a bit. 


I tried to distract myself. 

"I cannot believe all this food survived this long on a ship." 

I said. 

Jungkook nodded in agreement. 

When we were done I set the chest aside. 

"Don't think I forgive you just because you gave me food."

Jungkook said. 

"If you were wondering, I don't feel guilty and I think you deserved it." 

Jungkook slumped back in defeat either because he really had nothing to say or he was just too tired to argue back. 

"So submissive. I like it. Then can you assist me for my next victim?" 

I asked an uncontrollable grin spreading on my face. 

"It depends. You have to tell me who it is first."

"No, you have to promise me first."

I replied staying firm. 

"Fine, so who's next after Jin hyung?"

"Yoongi hyung."



Sorry for the boring chapter, especially after a hiatus. 

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