CT chapter: 33

773 76 14

Current Timeline: Taehyung's POV

The notebook. 

It fell into your hands. Then, don't make the same mistake I did.

I trusted him. 

That's why I lost him forever. 


I woke up drenched in a cold sweat. 

The suns rays kissed my feet as they streamed in through the windows. 

My heart beat had shot up to an all time high.

Not make the same mistake as who?

My gaze fell upon the notebook right next to me. 

I think I'm going crazy.

I ruffled my hair and fell back into the white cushions. 

I wanted to just fall back into the oblivious world of sleep. 

But, the words kept ringing continuously in my head.


Only 5 more days were left until I could go back to Seoul and whoop his ass for cheating on me. 

Well, that is if I had the courage to. 

My heart still ached at the thought of what he could've done behind my back. 

But, the notebook preoccupied my mind with other thoughts. 

I had started to hear the same words from the other day being constantly repeated every night.

I had tried to deduce what it could possibly mean but had come to no conclusion. All I knew was that it had something to do with Jungkook and the notebook. 

I would keep flipping through the pages to find a clue if the words were written somewhere or at least were hidden in between the lines in some way. 

But all in vain, I was left wondering what it meant. 


We boarded the bus that would take us back to Seoul. 

Students made chaos while the teachers didn't really give a shit and seated themselves comfortably in the front. 

We struggled to put our luggage in the baggage compartment and struggled more to find an ideal seat. 

I placed myself in the window seat and sat down to untangle the mess my earphones had made. Anyone who looked at me with their pleading eyes for the seat next to me was met with a smile and a protective hand over my backpack on the seat next to me and was gestured towards the many empty seats in front. 

Baekhyun strutted into the bus screaming a 'YEET' and unceremoniously tossed my backpack onto my lap. 

"Bitch, I wanted to sit alone. No one wants to hear your constant bullshit."

"Woah there mate. It's okay, I want to listen to my own bullshit. It's not my fault that the world makes a genius seem like a madman. Look what happened to Galileo, now that dude is sitting up there being like 'What a bunch of idiots, I told them so'. Now people literally worship his 'madness'."

"This is what I mean when you spew bullshit."

"I'm sorry I'm that fabulous."

I rolled my eyes and plugged my earphones in to mute the sound of the people around me. 

 Life is a word that sometimes you cannot say

And ash is the thing that someday we all should be

When tomorrow comes 

How different it's gonna be? 

Why do love and hate sound just the same to me?...

My eyes drooped with the soft music then suddenly shot open as a quiet whisper became louder and louder soon resonating through my ears.

If you would trust him, you would help him.

You love him. 

Why are you hesitating?

Why are you stalling?

It's not a misunderstanding but an inhibition. 

There are no happy or sad endings for love doesn't end.

Help him. 

Save him.


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