author's note (yes another one)

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I remember when shookethforlife and I published our first chapters and we were so psyched that we got 8 reads, and now having them in the hundreds of thousands just feels surreal.

I mentioned in the previous author's note that my co-author entirely took over the book after a certain point in time, and once again, I just want to credit her for doing such a phenomenal fucking job, and I also wanna thank her, because she always had the motivation to type up new chapters and always had a clear vision of where the book was going.

But now I want to thank all you readers for making this fanfic such an incredible success, there are some of you who consistently left really nice comments that always made our day, there are some of you who binge-read the entire thing (we can tell from the votes lmao), and even to those who did neither, you still have a huge hand in making two teenage girls feel awesome about something they created.

Once again, thank you. I love every single one of yall.


Alsoooo imma be going through the book to rectify any errors and try to implement significantly better english any chance that I get, so idk if you guys get a notification every time I publish an updated version of a chapter, but if you do, I am so sorry, you can just ignore those if you've already completed those particular chapters, because the plot will not be changing at all.

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