MT chapter: 5

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Medieval Timeline: Taehyung's POV

It took me two days to recover.

I did not see Jungkook most of the time but when we did meet, he seemed curt but happy.

Everytime I would walk past him, he would be humming a tune, smiling to himself.

It would be about one week till we arrived at the European coastline.

But until then, I would have to find some entertainment and right now on this ship I guess that would be.....


I stared at the ceiling as I lay in my bed, desperately trying to sleep, but all in vain.

I had slept for most of the two days and so I had become restless now.

I got out of my room and started to roam the ship.

I wandered up to the deck near the sail.

A figure sat there...


I mischievously grinned to myself.

My source of entertainment had been found.

I gently placed my hand on his shoulder- which took him by surprise- and sat down beside him.

He looked back and said,

"I actually got scared! Please don't do that again!"

I smirked.

This is going to keep me entertained.

"Can I know what you're doing here so late at night?"

I asked.

While leaning on the main mast, he said,

"I'm not able to sleep."

Jungkook quietly started to hum.

After a few minutes of a calming humming tune and the sound of the light wind, he stopped.

For a minute or two we both stared at the ocean which gently rocked the ship to sleep.

I broke the silence,

"I feel like I would rather jump in the ocean than talk to you. Are you always this boring?"

"I think you are the one to decide that."

"I will not decide because it was a rhetorical question and we both know the answer anyway."

I waited for a reaction.

I gave up and was about to leave when Jungkook asked,

"How are your parents?"

At first I thought of my father and smiled.

I had made the best of my life's moments with him.

But Jungkook had asked about my parents, not just my father.

I felt a pit of emptiness nagging in my stomach.

He took notice of my downcast face but didn't say anything. Instead he held my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

I remember the day when she left for her heavenly abode. Father and I were all alone and we had to suffer with the measly earthly pleasures.

Without her I would never be complete.

After that, I had never let myself be close to anyone.

The more you love, the more you lose.

The last sentence reminds me of a line from "Wolves".

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