MT chapter: 17

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Medieval Timeline: Jungkook's POV

<<A little back in time...>>

A letter from father.....?

I was woken up from my dazed state and ripped the letter open.

Perhaps father was coming here!

Honestly, Jungkook, you know he has more important work to do.

Even though I already knew that, I did not stop hoping that father would come here.

I rubbed my eyes and started reading the letter.


Dear Jungkook,
    I hope all is going well in Europe and I hope that you are not pestering your hyungs, who I know are taking good care of you and Mr. Jung's son and that you both are learning competently under their able guidance.
   I am well aware  that when you receive this letter you would have already spent a month and half in Europe and will return after about a month.
   However, I have sent a message to your hyungs with yours, informing them to extend your stay given the unhealthy circumstances at home. Your mother is in an unstable condition due to a few things that have happened here, something you need not worry about at the moment.
   Knowing you, I am certain you will want to know what has happened and will want to come home immediately, but do not worry, it is nothing too bad.
   But to satisfy your thirst to know a little incident has taken place in our family.
   Kindly do not ponder too much over what has happened and focus on the business instead.
    I hope you will come back with the best of deals.
Yours lovingly,


Why did father want me to stay here for longer?

What happened to mother?

What was this little incident that took place in our family?

With hundreds of questions floating in my head, I freshened myself and went downstairs to have breakfast.

I did not bother to greet anyone for I was too lost thinking what was happening to my family.

I quickly ate without even paying attention to what I was actually eating. It seemed as though every piece of food I swallowed kept piling up in my stomach like horrible ideas of what happened to my family kept piling up in my head.

Once again, without a word to anyone, I got up from my seat and ran upstairs to read my letter again and see if Yoongi hyung had also gotten a letter from father.

I barged into my own room and looked frantically if there was another letter attached to the envelope and looked around the door area to see if the servant had accidentally dropped a paper.

But to my dismay, there was nothing save the confusing and intriguing letter I had gotten.

I looked around the corridoor and staircase to see if anyone was around. Thankfully, nobody was there so I walked towards Yoongi hyung's room, not bothering to soften the sound of my footfalls which probably indicated how desperate I was to check whether Yoongi hyung had also received a letter from father.

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