MT chapter: 23

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Medieval Timeline: Jungkook's POV


<<earlier that day>>

My thoughts were in a mess. Emotions were running wild. Could I do this? Will I have the courage? What if I return at the last second? But then everything will continue the same. I don't think I could ever go through it again.

At least everyone will remain happy.

I sat down at the table where Jin hyung was preparing food, next to Taehyung.

He looked at me in surprise.

Have I really remained that distant from him?

Even sitting next to him seemed foreign yet familiar.

He greeted me and I couldn't help but smile as I greeted back.

"I'm sorry Jungkook."

I looked at him in confusion. Why is he the one apologising, when I should be?

"We can talk it out, I don't even know what I did but I think it is important that we talk about it, I mean we are returning to Korea and we won't really be together anymore unless you want to-"

My insides began to squirm and I felt sick.

He can't be the reason for me to turn back.

I could not bare it anymore, so I tried my best to ignore him as I talked to Jin hyung instead, cutting him off.

"I'm sorry, I don't feel like eating anymore Jin hyung. I will come eat later."

Jin hyung retorted,

"I am not going to make food whenever you wish Jungkook, you need to eat now."

I couldn't just stand there with Taehyung looking at me with those sad eyes, he was the only thing that could make me turn back.

But I wasn't going to let that happen. If he's my weakness, so be it. Then I will not let my weakness conquer my thoughts and come in between my way.

"Oh okay, then I will eat during dinner."

Jin hyung looked at me in exasperation.

"Jungkook please eat now."

"I have to go."

I fled the scene before anything else could happen.

I locked myself in my room, pacing back and forth.

Should I?

He had already started to have my mind conjure doubts.

But I can't let him hold me back.

It would put both of us in a position of jeopardy.


I paced back and forth the room, my hands fidgeting constantly.

I didn't know what I was doing.

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