MT chapter: 18

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Medieval Timeline: Taehyung's POV

"What family?"

Jungkook said bitterly as if the word itself was a disgusting flavor caught on his tongue.

"The family that has your sister, the woman that I've heard so greatly about. The one you only speak in praises of. Somebody you love more than me."

"Is that possible? Can you have a family that stays in one piece forever?"

He said blankly with a sad smile lingering on his face.

I was astonished.

What was the reason behind this sudden change of mind?

"Jungkook, do not speak to me in riddles. I need to know why are you acting like this."

"The only riddle here is the reason behind one's thinking. To be so selfish and throw everyone else away, not even bothering to look into the consequences."

"What has gotten into you for you to speak so darkly and ridiculously."

"How is it ridiculous when it is true?"

I gave up trying to get him to disclose his secret.

I sighed and unconsciously stared at Jungkook's side profile. My eyes wandered to his red and tear stained cheeks. His puffy eyes were closed and his breathing was raggedy. His hair was in a disarray as if he had ruffled his hand through his hair several times trying to pull it out.

It saddened me to see him break down in front of me. I choked slightly and resisted the tears that would have blurred my vision if I hadn't got up from there, leaving him alone.

I walked out of the room to search for Jin hyung.

He should be knowing what is happening to him.

I walked straight into Jin hyung's room and when I did, I knew it was a mistake.

"Ah Namjoon, what if somebody comes. Get off. How would this look?"

Their backs were facing me. Namjoon was hugging Jin hyung from behind as Jin tried to escape from his grip.

I cleared my throat, my cheeks heating up as I tried to look somewhere else.

Namjoon immediately let go of Jin and whipped around to face me. Jin and Namjoon looked at me wide eyed and stepped away from each other.

Namjoon cleared his throat and fixed his posture becoming business like in a matter of seconds.

"I see you are being very professional hyung. Especially with our guide."

I commented.

"Don't act like you and Jungkook haven't done anything else."

"Ok fine, if you want some privacy then I will just leave and you can continue with whatever was going to unfold. I just don't want my eyes to see anything too early."

Jin hyung's mouth opened as if about to say something, but I cut him off before he was about to start.

"It's ok. Jungkook and I haven't done anything you were thinking about. Although I mustn't lie but we had almost reached 'there' a couple of times. But I mean I don't mind...."

I turned around to head out but trailed off.

My eyes widened and I froze in my tracks.

"Go on. Continue. What were you going to say?"

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