CT chapter: 28

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Current Timeline: Taehyung's POV

I slung my bag back down and gulped down the rest of the water from the bottle and lay on the bed exhausted beyond words.

On the bed opposite to mine, Baekhyun chuckled looking at me.

"First time on a trip like this?"

I nodded and murmured a 'yes'.

It had only been just less than a week since we got shipped out to this place to study and work as interns during our archaeology course and I was already ready to head back home.

Since our university was prestigious and had churned out some impressive graduates they partnered up with a group of archaeologists who were currently working on a project requiring extra personnel on the excavation site and so our university and the group thought that this experience should be incorporated into our curriculum and can serve as extra credit when we graduate. 

I mainly jumped at the opportunity because it was extra credit and I can sure use some of that when I apply for jobs.  

"Why hasn't your lover boy called you yet?"

Baekhyun asked as we retired for the night.

I scoffed.

"Hasn't called me? I got 76 notifications and 23 of those are missed calls from him only and another 53 messages."

"Ahh the days when I used to jump in and out of relationships. I don't even know how you can stay committed to one person. I mean there are so many other people in this world."

"Guess you haven't found your true love yet."

I scoffed. 

"Guess who's still living in fairy tales? I believe there is no such thing as true love. Misunderstanding is the cause of pain most the times and it's also what brings the end of relationships that never had real love but infatuations to begin with."

"I would yell 'PREACH BROTHER' if I was still like 19 but no."

"Scrap the 'brother' part and insert 'boyfriend'."

I chuckled.

"Such a flirt."

"As if you weren't."

"I hate it when you're creepily right."

"Why don't you call him, he seems really thirsty for your love."

I cringed.

"I am way too tired, I guess I'll just call him tomorrow anyway when we have a break or something."


The next day we were all called outside since the senior students found some artifact or something. 

It was cool to find a woman's dangui dated from the Joseon dynasty era that got washed up onshore. 

Since it was our first find as students, the archaeologists conducted a thorough study and analysis of the garment with us present so we get to observe the whole process of restoring and dating artifacts. 

In this whole excitement of finding something, calling Jungkook completely slipped my mind and it kept getting delayed.


Five days passed and I started to notice Jungkook had stopped calling me except for a few messages asking how things were going. 

I replied to him but barely had time for a quick call since they made us wake up at ungodly hours and I needed to get all the sleep and rest I could get. 

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