CT chapter: 2

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Modern Timeline: Taehyung's POV

"Hi! My name is Kim Taehyung"

I said, with a forced smile. I waited for a reply, but instead, he stared at me with a fazed expression.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, I sighed and turned ahead. But I still felt his gaze burning into the back of my hoodie.

Ugh. I can't believe I have to sit next to this pabo for the next 10 hours.
Maybe he's just shy.

Should I start talking to him??

I turned to talk to him and saw that he was staring out of the window. To get his attention, I poked him and asked,

"Hey, what's your name?"

He turned to me with a slightly annoyed expression.

He pointed to himself and asked,

"Who, me?"

"Well, yes. To be honest, you seem to be the only one I can have a proper conversation with."

"My name is Jungkook and if I heard correctly, yours is Taehyung."

"Wow! So you could actually hear me through that poker face?"

"Poker face? The fuck you talking about bro?"

"I'm not your bro."

"And I don't have a poker face."

He stated and once again, the Curse of Awkward Silence had fallen over us.

"Yeah, whatever, sorry."

I struggled to say. In efforts of trying to lighten the mood, I said,

"Anyway, you going to Seoul?"

"Yep, I got admission in a university over there."

"Really? Which one?"

"National University of Seoul. I'm doing a medical course, what about you?"

"NO WAY! So we're gonna be in the same university. I'm going for archaeology though. You living on campus?"

I asked, keen on making a possible friendship.

"Mmhmm, and you?"

"Yeah, how long are you staying?"

"Doctor's course dude. Hopefully I'll get an internship in a hospital after the five year course and then I can move out."

I raised my eyebrows at the considerably long amount of time.

Soon the conversation divulged into our families.

"So, do you have any siblings?"

He asked.

"Nope, what about you?"

"Yeah, I have an elder sister."

Time seemed to fly away as I became more intrigued about him.

We shared a lot of interests, like Pokémon, Iron Man, food, and Overwatch.

We sat in silence for a while.

I turned to him only to find him sleeping with his head resting on the window.

Seeing my fellow passengers all fast asleep, I felt my eyes get heavy and without knowing I drifted into slumber.


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