MT chapter: 8

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Medieval Timeline: Jungkook's POV

"Are you out of your mind?"

I whisper-shouted, in case someone heard me and decided to eavesdrop on the rest of our conversation.

"But I have a good plan!"

"You do realise it would be less dangerous to sink this ship than to prank Yoongi hyung, right?"

"I do know. But doesn't the thrill lie in taking the risk?"

"Hmmm...I guess...but Yoongi hyung? Why not a worker?"

As soon as the words escaped my mouth, the mischievous air about him seemed to disappear and he turned serious.

"They work hard, much harder than people as privileged as us ever will, I think they deserve some respect."

"But we're just fooling around! It's not like we're being disrespectful and hurting them!"

"But how will they know that? If you believe in equality, it starts with these small steps Jungkook."

I had no words. Honestly, I was always surprised when this side of Taehyung came out. It just showed how thoughtful he was. It showed that no matter how childish he was, there was always a mature and wise side sleeping inside of him.

It was something I truly admired in him. It taught me that one must always keep the kid inside alive but never let the mature one sleep.

I kept on thinking of the different personas of the man sitting in front of me. It really made something click in me every time I pondered over the same topic.

It was something every person would adore. Or at least something I loved.

Was it something only I liked? Or does everyone feel the same?

I smiled to myself for no apparent reason.


A voice cut through my thoughts.

"Oh...I was just...uh... thinking whether it's really worth helping you."

"Sure...Now that you're done thinking, do you want to know what I plan on doing?"



I stood outside, waiting for him. And tried very hard not to roll my eyes every now and then.

He claimed that what he was trying to find was 'not for my eyes and there were other things that could scar me for life'.

As if I'm not going to see it later on.

Taehyung finally opened the door and peeped around before stepping out. When he did, I saw him holding a-


"Shhhhhhh. Someone might hear us."

Lowering my volume, I said,

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