MT chapter: 15

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Medieval Timeline: Jungkook's POV

"But can I know why? "

"Taehyung it is not imperative for you to know everything and besides, the entire situation will sound utterly petty once I tell you 'why'."

"But we are your friends, don't we deserve to know what is bothering you? Don't we Jungkook?"

"Yes Jin hyung. We can help you and won't it just show how you have moved on from that phase?"

"It's not that simple."

"Hyung first we need to know what exactly happened so we can help you."

Jin shot a glare at me but then his expression softened.

"A long time, when I was merely 20 years old, I fell in love with him.

"We loved each other unconditionally and were ready to rebuke any obstacle that came in the way. We were young, we didn't know what life held for us and how we could prepare for it.

"We promised each other countless things, none of those those which actually happened. Not that I expected, but hoped would materialize."

He sighed and continued.

"After about one year or so, Namjoon disappeared without a word or a goodbye much less. I spent weeks and weeks wasting my tears over that unfaithful cur who I saw laughing and enjoying himself with a strange girl sitting under our spot. He had the audacity to bring that girl to the spot where we spent our time, where we promised each other, where we dreamt of our future. And to make matters worse, I actually mustered the courage to talk to him but when I walked up to him, he acted like I was a completely new person to him. The heart that I had shared and built with granules of Namjoon's love was shattered the moment he said 'Who are you?'. I had to hold in a dam of tears so that Namjoon won't worry about me and so that Namjoon would be happy with that wench. But of course, I doubt he ever even reciprocated my feelings. Nothing could possibly ease my internal pain. It would be much less painful to put my hand into boiling oil than endure such misery. Saying that I was heartbroken is a grave understatement."

He looked down, perhaps to hide the tears that were probably threatening to fall.

"Now you both tell me, how am I to forgive someone who I trusted with my life? Someone who betrayed me?"

We both just stayed silent and looked at each other, trying to give Jin hyung a proper reason to forgive Namjoon hyung.

"Jin hyung, of course, he was wrong on his part but that was 5 years ago. People can change drastically in that time period, and I know that Namjoon hyung has. I met him just yesterday and I can assure you that he's beyond devastated and he definitely regrets what he did. But don't you think you should give him another opportunity and just hear out to what he has to say? Just give him another chance, listen to the other side of the argument and then make your final decision. We won't force you after you just listen to him."

Taehyung said.

"I don't know how else he can explain himself. I have tried Taehyung, believe me I have, but an apology can be conveyed in a hundred different ways and no matter how sincere he is I don't think I can ever build up the courage to forgive him."

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