CT chapter: 6

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          Modern Timeline: Taehyung's POV

A month had passed.

Jungkook and I were busy as the amount of assignments piled up.

Jimin and Yoonji were studying together in my room.

My eyes kept diverting towards them as they studied together. Occasionally they would laugh and touch each other playfully.

Ugh, are all graphic arts students like this?

After an hour or so Jimin got up to leave.

They awkwardly said their goodbyes, and as soon as the door shut, Yoonji sighed.

I raised my eyebrows at her.

"See, I knew you desperately wanted to hook up with someone. But Jimin? Tsk tsk tsk tsk."

I said as I shook my head.

"Shut up. Look who's talking when they are following Daehyun around the campus like she's some Hottie McHottie."

I rolled my eyes.

After a few minutes, I was almost done with the assignments that were due the next day.

Yoonji and I were pretty much free and I started to get bored.

Yoonji was playing on her phone.

I grinned when a devilish idea struck me. I suddenly bounced on her bed, taking her by surprise.

I brought my face close to hers until our noses were about to touch.

I stared at her lips, but she was immediate to react.

She pushed me off until I landed on the ground.


she roared.

I smirked.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" she yelled.

I covered my ears.

"Yah! I'll go deaf," I replied.

She glared at me.

"I was just checking if we had chemistry," I said.

Her eyes were raging with anger.

"Kim, why did you do that?"

She said in a low dangerous tone.

"So we could do the biology part."

"Shut up."

"Jeez. I was just pranking you."

I rolled my eyes and plastered an innocent smile on my face.

Her face contorted into annoyance.

"Pranked me? Kim, you really think that's okay to do that to someone?"

"I wasn't even going to kiss you, Jimin's there for that. Ew. No. Not me. Never."

I said.

"Oh, and I have enough dignity," I added.

Yoonji just glared at me with folded arms.

She sat back on the bed, furious.

I sighed.


I sat next to her and she scooted away from me.

"Look... I'm sorry."

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