HELP ME (please read)

726 36 6

*inhales sharply*


*begins to shake head already*

shookethforlife here, aka another hoe.

I don't know how many of you read that last part where @fangirl_V_46 mentioned that we both have been writing this book since the very conception of the plot. Well if you didn't know........ now you know.

Now do not kill me (although I am tempted to whack myself in the leg with a sledgehammer at this point), I know we haven't updated in forever but a new update is coming soon.

@fangirl_V_46 is currently having some problems with writing this book *cough* she's not allowed to go on Wattpad *cough*

So now the whole continuation of the book is gently (not really) placed on my shoulders.

So I will be continuing the story on this account and the original plot will be followed. We both will still be discussing what to write in future chapters its just that now I'll be the only one writing it.

The writing style and jokes are more or less the same style. Nothing will change. It will be the same. Boring. Stupid. Story. (We don't even know why you guys even bother about this story anyway)

And some of you know how we used to take forever to update the chapters. Well guess what? It might be even slower now.

So bear with the could be slow updates and I will try to update as often as possible.

For the next update (CT chapter: 27), @fangirl_V_46 wrote most of it and I finished it now so please look forward to it and the rest of the chapters. Just the next chapter is slightly boring and then FINALLY Tae comes into picture.

So @fangirl_V_46 AKA Amita got tagged (I forgot by whom and I'm too lazy to ask her. He he he)

It's been probably way more than six months since she got tagged and she already did one previously so we thought that I should do this one.

 So lettuce expose myself

 So lettuce expose myself

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1. Gender 


2. Sexuality

I'm as straight as a plastic ruler.

3. Astrology sign


4. OTP

Vkook and Jensoo.

5. Main obsession (fandom)


6. Favorite writing genre

Like Shakespeare, it is la romcom. 

7. Perfect date spot

A cemetery.(jk, or am I?. Idk,, the bed?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

8. Ideal best friend

I don't have an ideal best friend cause I already got ma hoes: @fangirl_V_46, trisha7btsRm_fangirl_22 

9. Whiteboards or chalkboards?

Whiteboards (I ain't racist) 

10. Any OCs?


11. Favorite book (on Wattpad)

There aren't too many good books I have come across as of yet cause I am an idiot to not read the many popular or undiscovered books yet but I really liked the way these stories were written:

-His Unhealthy Obsession by jungfudge

-Killjoy by taenology

I know both are like violent and angsty as hell but I tend to like such books. I really want Vkook fanfics to add to this list so if y'all have anything good to recommend...

12. YouTube or Netflix

Since I don't have Netflix.... YouTube. 

13. Team Free Wii vs The YouTube Trio

Yes, I am confused so.... skip.

14. Favorite time of the year

October to December. 

So yeah.... It's not like anyone really cares much about who I am and what I like so.... 

I am too lazy to tag anyone really and I don't know if I am allowed to (BUT WHO CARES IMMA MESS WITH HER ACCOUNT)

#Sorrynotsorry :)

This is what happens when you have a best friend who gets high on oxygen. I am actually not that high (don't do drugs- I don't, I'm just a crackpot that way) it's just that I need some hoe to breathe in some of their own crackpotedness in me and then we can be major hoes together.

See... I am sorta high. 

Don't do drugs.


With a cherry on top. 


I'll leave now. 

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