CT chapter: 3

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Modern Timeline: Jungkook's POV

My eyes fluttered open as the morning sun shone on my face.

I squinted, rubbing my eyes and looked to the other side to find Taehyung fast asleep using my shoulder as his pillow.

I couldn't help but smile noticing how good he actually looked.

I inhaled sharply and massaged my face which awoke Taehyung.

He sat up and stretched his arms, puffing his chest out.

As he did so, his hoodie moved up, ever so slightly, exposing his skin.

Subconsciously I licked my lips and bit them as I caught myself in the act.

Taehyung started twisting his back with his arms outstretched, accidentally -or was it?-
smacking me in the face.

"Dude!! Control yourself!! This is the second time you've hurt me since yesterday!"

I said, slightly irritated.

I waited, expecting a sassy response.

Instead, all I got was a derp smile. I couldn't help but grin myself.

"What happened? Am I too pretty for you? Wait a sec! I am!"

He said while flashing a bitch-i'm-fab look at me.

I rolled my eyes in the slowest possible manner to emphasise the effect.

The bus stopped and almost everyone got off. I wondered why.

"Why do you always have that confused and lost expression, or are you so distracted by my pretty face?? "

He said while flipping his imaginary long hair.

I scoffed but he just continued saying,

"We've come to the university, poker face."

"Well I would've known that a long time back if all these dumb people, including you, weren't blocking the view."

He didn't reply and simply got off the bus.

We got our IDs checked and we passed through the gates, immediately heading to the lobby to find out our dorm numbers.

Mine was 53 and his was 56.


Atleast we weren't extremely far away.

I could probably crash at his place if I had a boring roommate.

Wait I second.


At his place.


What's wrong with me??

I looked at him and at that moment, he mirrored my thoughts by saying,

"Hey! At least we're not all that far away. We could hang out if we get bored with our roommates."

I nodded,

"Sounds good to me."

Along with our luggage, we started climbing the stairs.

We climbed in silence until the topmost floor.

I set my suitcase down and pulled out the key that the receptionist in the college lobby had handed to me.

I unlocked the door to reveal a small room with two small beds on either side with desks next to each of them.

To my immediate right there was a door that was the entrance to the washroom, I guessed.

On the left, next to the bed was a small closet.

I dumped my bag on the bed, walked out and locked the door.

Taehyung was waiting for me and we headed to his room.

He eagerly unlocked the door.

As soon as he got in, he threw his bags at the wall.

He took a nice and long look, all the while seeming fascinated by the not-so-pleasant room.

"What's so great in this room, it's literally- oh hey! Your roommate's already here!"

I said as my gaze fell upon a bag laying on the other bed.

"Can't wait to meet the lucky one."

He said.

"More like the to-be-tortured one."

I said, half laughing.

"Dah-ling please!"

He said while trying to imitate a posh woman.

"You don't know what effect I have on people, especially girls."

I scoffed.

"I'm taking that as sarcasm."

The bathroom door clicked open, taking me and Taehyung by surprise.

Out stepped a girl.

In a towel.

Only. A. Towel.

I stood frozen, forgetting to look away. She stood stunned, not making a move.

I felt my cheeks heat up.

Her eyes kept darting back and forth between me and Taehyung until they met the floor.

I turned my head towards Taehyung to look for a reaction.

He was staring at the girl.....

(Not so) subtly biting the corner of lips.




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