CT chapter: 35

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Current Timeline: Jungkook's POV

I had excused myself from the family 'dinner'. My parents were worried as I came back with a distraught aura around me. 

But they decided to keep quiet knowing what had just happened between Chaerin and them. 

I walked all the way back to my dorm with an impending sense of worry. 

My brain was still not able to process what she said was true or not. But her deadly serious face flashed before my eyes and I knew she was more than serious. 

I had never seen such an expression on her face before. 

And that scared the shit out of me. 

It didn't just scare me. 

It terrorized me. 

I didn't even want to think what she would do to me if I didn't join her.

I have to choose between my life or my parents.

Is this how life will test me? 

I risk everything by joining her. 

My career, friends, family and honor. 

She wants to snatch whatever little ambition, hope and honor I have. 

Joining her or not, I would've already ended my life. 

I opened my dormitory door terrified of my fate. 

She had fixated me into such a situation. 

A dilemma I knew I couldn't get out of. 


A familiar voice shook me out of my thoughts.


I almost collapsed right then and there out of happiness and relief on seeing him. 

"Taehyung... "

He gave me a huge smile of reassurance. 

But at the same time I didn't seem to notice a certain sadness and pain in his eyes. 

Then it hit me.

I cheated on him. 

I can't do that to him. 

Everyone in the college knows about Hana and I and I don't want him to hear about it from someone else. 

I can't dump my problems on him. 

I don't want to cause him anymore pain.

"Taehyung, I need to talk to you."

"Why what happened?"

I felt my heart ache with the worst feeling ever. 

I betrayed someone I love and caused them pain. I was wasting myself away with nights of empty bottles and an ash tray filled with the remains of cigarettes all because of my inability to deal with myself.

I didn't want Taehyung to be subjected to such pain. 

"Taehyung, let's break up."


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