MT chapter: 10

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Medieval Timeline: Jin's POV

I stood there, astonished.

What is happening between these two?

I kept watching, horrified. I stayed silent as both of them stared into each other's eyes, their faces dangerously close.

Perhaps it could've been one of those silly competitions where they tried to keep looking into each other's eyes, unblinking.

But the fire and lust in their eyes suggested something else.

They didn't look playful, they had a sort of dark desire etched on their faces.

The way they looked at each other made it seem like they thought nothing in the world existed except for each other.

None of them looked uneasy in the rather awkward position. In fact, reading their expressions, one would probably say they seemed to be enjoying it.

Taehyung's smirk made this very evident, and so did Jungkook when he started to wrap his arms around Taehyung's torso tighter than ever; making it clear that they were not playing around or oblivious but were very much aware and.....affectionate towards each other.

What was happening?

I was about to interrupt Taehyung and Jungkook but my thoughts kept me in the same place.

I had gone soft on the inside just looking at them, they looked so in love.


Two men? 

This can never happen-

But that was if anyone got to know.

I had to protect their secret.

But, for all I knew, I was probably overthinking everything.

Maybe they were playing around.

But if they did have something between them, they shouldn't display it in public, but I didn't want them knowing that I had picked up on something.

So instead of calling them out, I just dropped something, so they moved away, and walked out swiftly, before they could realise it was me.


Yoongi's POV

I remained in my crouched position behind the barrel even when Jin hyung walked out of the pantry/eating hall with a sort of somber expression.

I peeked out just to check if the marbles I had placed were still in the corect position.

If Jungkook and Taehyung had chosen to play a prank on me, I decided it was about time to get revenge.

I sat thinking, they would come out anytime soon.

I did not know if anyone else had noticed this, but in the past few weeks, Jungkook and Taehyung seemed to be very awkward but comfortable around each other.

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