CT chapter: 20

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Current Timeline: From the coconut's eyes

"Jungkook, babe where are my red shades?"

Taehyung asked while scavenging the closet.

"I don't know.....am I supposed to know?"

"Oh I thought you'd know...."

I was surprised by the fact that he replied in a kind manner. I had kind of gotten used to him saying something sassy in return.

Suddenly he stopped rummaging through the cupboard, sighed and sat down, tightly gripping the sides of the bed.

I looked up from my phone and went over to comfort him.

"Hey.....what happened?"

I asked out of concern since he looked extremely nervous and perhaps he was worried about the trip.

"Jungkook I......."

I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I.....oh how do I say this....."

"I ran out of my instant ramen."

I sighed.

There comes the old Tae though.

"Oh my god Taehyung is that why you were depressed?"

"No you dummy....I'm just nervous about the trip."

"Why? It's not like it's going to affect your grades anyway."

"It's not about that, Kook."

"Then what is it about? That Kyungsoo's gonna murder you?"

"Okay I admit he can be as bad as Satan but...."


"The thing is that the ones who perform well for this get a certificate."


"That certificate can give your job application precedence over others'."


"And I really want to be one of the people who get that certificate."

He continued.

"It's not just about the priority for job application but I also want to prove to my parents that taking Arts was the correct choice and that I can make a good living out of it."

"Don't worry Tae, I know you're smart and don't think that I haven't noticed the fact that you say that you don't study but you sit studying almost all night."

He smirked.

"Noticed, have you?"

"What's the big deal though, saying that you study?"

"It's not much of a big deal but I try to keep this side of me isolated from others. I don't want them thinking that I'm a serious kind of person because I'm studying and worrying all the time."

"It doesn't matter.....even if you come off as serious at first, your dirty dad jokes are bound to make people think you're a dork."

"Dork, you say?"

"Yup, my favourite dork."

I said as I grabbed his face and gave him a quick peck on the nose.

As I was letting my hands down, he held them in his own and intertwined our fingers.

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